Media should give special coverage to climate change issues: Council Chairman Basnet

Press Council Nepal Chairman Bal Krishna Basnet has suggested that the media should give special coverage to the issue of climate change.

He said so during a program held in New York, USA, on the theme 'Save the Mountains, Save the Earth', organized jointly by the Alpine Sports Association New York and the Sath Sathai Foundation.

Media persons and mountaineers attended the program organized recently at Jackson Heights, New York.

"The effects of climate change are seen clearly on our mountains. The white and shining mountains are turning into black," Chairman Basnet said. "The media should should increase coverage to draw the world's attention to the issue."

Chief Guest of the program Chairman Basnet, senior journalist Babita Basnet, Vice Chairperson of the Federation of Nepali Journalist Nitu Pandit, Nepal Television journalist Anita Bindu, Radio Kantipur journalist Kamala Panthi, Madan Puraskar winner writer Nilam Karki (Niharika) and Sath Sathi Foundation Head Prajita Karki among others were present in the event.

Temba Sherpa, advisor to the Parbat Sports Association New York and president of Sherpa Kidug, welcomed them at the program.

Conducting the program, Sanjog Acharya, the general secretary of the Association, expressed his happiness for being able to interact with the media on new issues that need to be raised.

On the occasion, guest speakers expressed their views on the initiatives needed to be taken to balance the Earth's environment and protect Nepal's mountains.

Similarly, Sath Sathai Foundation Chairperson Prajita Karki presented her important views on how to move forward from the community level for sustainable development of tourism and promotion of the Himalayan region in Nepal.

She said that since Nepal's mountains are world heritage sites, everyone should join hands in their protection and promotion.

Saying that Nepal's mountains are in crisis owing to climate change, senior journalist Babita Basnet stressed on the need for international initiatives for their long-term protection.

She also thanked the organization for reaching out to the masses and working on such profound issues.

During the program, participants highlighted the need for all parties to work together to promote tourism, economic development of local communities, and long-term conservation of the Himalayan region in Nepal.

Saying that Nepal's mountains are not only our heritage but also play a significant role in maintaining the ecological balance of the earth, the participants said that their conservation is our collective responsibility.