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Watch what you eat

Watch what you eat

Dashain is synonymous with food, lots and lots of food. Everywhere you go, you are offered tasty delicacies that you might not be able to say no to. It’s not unusual for most of us to gain weight during festival time, followed by an urgent need to go on a strict diet when the festivities are over. But do we really need to put ourselves through the ordeal yet again? Isn’t there anything we can do to ensure we don’t let ourselves go overboard and eat mindfully during Dashain this year? Don’t fret. We bring to you some simple ways you can be kinder to yourself and your gut this festive season.

Drink water

It’s important to stay hydrated, especially during festival times when everywhere you go, you will be offered juices, sodas, teas, etc. It’s a good idea to drink a few glasses of water as soon as you wake up and carry a bottle around with you. This way you will not be tempted to reach for sugary drinks when you get thirsty. If plain water is too boring, add some lemon or cucumber slices and make your own infused water. A dash of rock salt with some lemon squeezed in will also lend a nice flavor to plain water. 

Set a daily quota

Don’t go around eating everything you are offered everywhere you go. Set a daily limit for sweets, meat, and other Dashain treats. For instance, tell yourself that you only get to have one laddu or peda each day, then choose when you want to have that, and say no to them after you have had your daily dose. This is also a great way to exercise some discipline and make sure you don’t end up gorging on unhealthy things. But you also won’t have to completely deprive yourself during a time when everyone around you seems to be eating to their heart’s content. 

Have a light meal before you go

One of the biggest mistakes we make during festival time is starving ourselves and then stuffing ourselves when we get to the party or get-together venue. This way we often end up overeating or munching on random snacks to fill us up. Consider having a light meal before you head out. It could be some fruits and yogurt, or eggs on toast—just something that won’t make you extremely hungry and thus less likely to serve yourself huge portions when it’s finally time for lunch or dinner. 

Don’t skip exercise

As we rush from chore to chore and house to house, our daily routines and rituals go for a toss. We end up compromising on our wellness routines like meditation and exercise to be able to squeeze in all the obligations that the festival demands from us. However, it’s best not to skip your regular ritual as these instill a sense of discipline in your days. You are more likely to be mindful of what you eat when you are exercising and taking care of yourself. 
