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Minister Sudi highlights collective measures to address climate change issues

Minister Sudi highlights collective measures to address climate change issues

Minister for Forest and Environment, Nawal Kishore Sah Sudi, said that climate incidents are unpredictable and unprecedentedly increasing every year.

In his remarks during the opening session of Mountains, People, and Climate today, he said, "Climate change is a global and cross-cutting issue, we all know that we all are disproportionately impacted across the countries. Both mountains and island countries and their people are facing multiple crises of temperature rise, erratic rainfall, drought and desertification, landslides, floods, inundation, forest fires, glacier melting, and sea rise levels."

He said that gathering and adversities that impact climate change in the mountainous countries are higher than elsewhere in the world, appealing to all mountainous and developed countries to allocate additional financial resources for adaptation with open hearts and minds so that collective measures could be taken to address the climate crisis.

Urging the international communities and parties to discuss this matter in the upcoming expert dialogue on mountains and climate change on June 5 in Germany and take additional decisions on mountains and amplify the finance and adaptation targets for the sake of mountain communities for their lives and livelihoods, he requested SBSTA chair Harry too, to take a message on why and how mountainous issues are important in the climate negotiation process.

"Harry, SBSTA chair, I am looking for your crucial role as an ambassador of mountainous countries to give a sense of urgency to the international community to take appropriate actions on mountains and their people in the upcoming COP2029 and beyond," he mentioned.

He also expected continued collaboration and positive outcomes that will surely emerge from our collective efforts in the days to come.

