What is corruption? In Nepal, it is so intertwined with our polity that it has become quite hard to differentiate which is which.
In fact, corruption is in the air we breathe, the water we drink, the sun we soak in and the food we cherish. In short, corruption is omnipresent in our lives.
Still, at least for the sake of academics, what does corruption mean? Transparency International (TI) knows better. It defines corruption as the abuse of entrusted power for private gain.
A people reeling under corruption for decades need no report to show how corrupt their polity is. A silent majority, who has seen a clique with modest means become filthy rich within a couple of years or decades as if by magic, knows the extent of high-level corruption in our society.
Still, the recent Corruption Perceptions Index of the TI (CPI 2024) shows how corruption is thriving in our dear country
CPI 2024 reminds the conscious citizenry that Nepal has slid further in the CPI compared to the year 2023.
With a CPI score of 34 out of 100 in 2024, Nepal has clinched a lowly 107th position among 180 countries, slipping further from the 106th position and a score of 35 in 2023 and a slight improvement of one point compared to 2022. Overall, CPI 2024 points at Nepal’s consistently poor performance in the global corruption barometer where South Sudan figures as the most corrupt country with a score of eight points and Denmark as the least corrupt country with a score of 90.
In South Asia, Bhutan leads with an impressive 72 points, followed by India and the Maldives (38), Nepal (34), Sri Lanka (32), Pakistan (27), Bangladesh (23) and Afghanistan (17).
A question arises, naturally: What is fueling corruption in our country?
A quote from Delia Ferreira, chair of TI, offers an answer, at least in part: People’s indifference is the best breeding ground for corruption to grow.
This daily has been drawing the attention of the public to this scourge by bringing to the fore some of the major scandals resulting from policy level corruption.
For those, who have taken corruption as a fact of life, here’s a quote from Kurt Cobain: The duty of youth is to challenge corruption.
Summing up, a concerted, result-oriented campaign against corruption is long overdue. Let this youthful nation wake up and undertake a tough fight against this scourge, by uniting one and all.