Media Action Nepal has opposed the Social Media Bill.
Issuing a statement today, Laxman Datt Pant, a global media rights advocate and the Executive Director of Media Action Nepal urged, "Parliament should not pass this bill, and instead, uphold the freedom of speech enshrined as a fundamental right in the Constitution of Nepal and in the international treaties ratified by Nepal."
Highlighting that the proposed bill imposes severe penalties, including fines up to ten million rupees and imprisonment for up to five years, Pant said that such measures harshly contradict democratic principles and the constitutional guarantee on freedom of expression. The vagueness in the bill regarding terms like "wrong intent" and "content against national interest" grants authorities arbitrary power to suppress dissent and critical voices, he added.
Pant, who also works closely with the global media rights groups through Media Action Nepal's involvement in the Consultative Network of the Media Freedom Coalition, warned that the bill if passed by the parliament in its current form will create fear and self-censorship hampering open exchange of ideas crucial for a vibrant democracy.
'The bill's strict provisions on identity disclosure and restrictions on anonymous social media use infringe on privacy rights and discourage whistleblowers from exposing wrong doings,' Pant shared.