FNJ Annapurna Post elects new leadership

The Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ), Annapurna Media Network Chapter, held its general convention on Dec 12, and unanimously elected its new leadership team. 

The elected office bearers include Ramkala Khadka as President, Sunita Karki as Vice-president, Madan Chaudhary as Secretary, Purushottam Ghimire as Joint Secretary, and Sirjana Subedi as Treasurer. 

Pratik Ghimire, Giriprasad Bhusal, Nitu Ghale, Aajabi Poudyal, Bibhor Adhikari, and Abhishek Maharjan were elected as members. The newly formed team will work towards addressing the pressing issues faced by journalists and strengthening the chapter’s role in advocating for media rights and professional development.