A touch reaches the heart
And sing a life of love
Admonishing the heartbeat
Of joy
And melody
Along a deserted road
Of the woods
A slow and calm
Breeze drifts
Our feet
Stepping with a rhythm
On the dried leaves
In sweet way
Some unseen birds chirps
And we walk
With a deep silence
Listening to our soul
Filled with immense pleasure
And some strange feeling
If tickle in the heart
We are lost somewhere
In the peaceful world
Of our dreams -
We see everything beautiful
And there is no any anguish
Except the anguish of love
Which we embrace
In our touch
And we feel our warmth,
And flow of blood
And we exist in
Each other
And it’s all the world-
Along the woods
We walk together
With arms tied
And lost in our presence
Of the music
Of our hearts
Manish Lamichhane
Nepal Law Campus