‘Everyday Ayurveda’ book review: Understanding the basics of ayurveda

We crave change. We want to be fit and healthy, become better, do better, and be happy and content. The allure and the modus operandi or marketing strategy, if I might say so, of self-help books lies in people’s inherent desire to make their lives better. There are plenty of books that make lofty promises—you will be happier, you will learn to navigate relationships, you will thrive at work, etc. But reading about concepts and ways to change your life won’t actually do a thing unless you are willing to put in the hard work. And even then, what’s the guarantee that the things that worked for the author and his/her friends will work for you? This is one of the main reasons why I often steer clear of self-help books.

However, self-help books that are rooted in scientific or research-backed suggestions appeal to me. It puts me in the right mindset, one that makes me want to listen to the advice and implement them in my life. In that sense, ‘Everyday Ayurveda’ by Dr Bhaswati Bhattacharya is one of the best books I’ve read. Dr Bhattacharya is a licensed, board-certified physician who has been incorporating ayurveda in her treatments for the past 25 years. Her work was featured on The Discovery Channel’s documentary, Healers: Journey into Ayurveda.

My interest in ayurveda probably comes from my mother. She is a medical doctor who has always supported the ayurvedic way of life. Watching her practice and recommend ayurvedic ways of healing has made me believe in its powers. I already knew many of the things mentioned in the book but it was still a good reminder of what I needed to do to be more active and agile. The book is divided into short chapters and the tone feels conversational and not preachy at all. The author is knowledgeable and the writing is thus convincing. Backed by evidence and anecdotes, Everyday Ayurveda makes for an interesting and eye-opening read.

Delving into the principles of ayurveda, Dr Bhattacharya tells us why and how we should listen to the signs our bodies give us. She urges readers to focus on self-care, building healthy habits, and following ancient wisdom and practices for sound health. You will pick up some helpful tips on how to turn your life around. Most of these tips don’t require much effort. They are just some basic modifications in your current lifestyle. Everyday Ayurveda, I believe, is an essential guide to a deeper understanding of yourself and the ways in which you can live a more fulfilling life.

Everyday Ayurveda

Dr Bhaswati Bhattacharya

Published: 2015

Publisher: Ebury Press
Pages: 298, Paperback