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RSP suppresses freedom of expression

RSP suppresses freedom of expression

Rastriya Swatantra Party (RSP) has decided to discuss the issue of Mukul Dhakal, general secretary of the party, gagging himself at the recently-held central committee meeting of the party. RSP decided to discuss the matter in its official meeting hours after it hit the headlines, much to the discomfort of the party.

Dhakal had sought a live telecast while presenting the review report at the central committee meeting. However, as most of the party members reportedly opposed his demand, Dhakal protested by taping his mouth over the violation of the right to expression. 

The party’s secretariat meeting held on Tuesday had decided to allow Dhakal to present the report. But later Rabi Lamichhane nixed the decision, after which joint general secretary Kabindra Burlakoti presented the report.

The RSP’s disciplinary committee has sought clarification from Dhakal for leaking the report to the media.

Dhakal had prepared the report after traveling across 39 districts and interacting with party leaders and cadres in 39 districts as per an RSP directives in the wake of a poor showing by the party’s candidate Milan Limbu in the recent by-elections held in Ilam-2. The idea behind the order was to catch the pulse of the electorate.    

Dhakal’s report has concluded that RSP cannot become a national party if it does not mend ways. 

The report has recommended the party to move forward with independent elected representatives such as Balen Shah and Gopi Hamal to improve its prospects in the next elections.
