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TRC bill should be endorsed through political consensus: PM Dahal

TRC bill should be endorsed through political consensus: PM Dahal

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has said that the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) bill should be endorsed on the basis of political consensus.

A Parliamentary Party meeting of the CPN (Maoist Center) held in Singhadurbar on Monday morning, party Chairman Dahal mentioned that the Bill related to Enforced Disappearances Enquiry, Truth and Reconciliation Commission would be endorsed by consensus in this session.

“All the people will be benefited if the TRC bill is endorsed on the basis of consensus as much as possible. We should go through the same process,” he said.

Chairman Dahal directed the party leaders and cadres to present themselves ideologically against those who are against the federal system.

Saying that federal democracy was brought in the country with their active participation, he issued a directive to play a constructive role in favor of the system.

“We have brought this system. It is our responsibility to protect and strengthen this system. That is why, we should present ourselves ideologically against the people who are against this system,” he further said.

Prime Minister Dahal also directed the party lawmakers to play a strong role in favor of the people in the Parliament.



