Simran Pariyar, who is currently gaining popularity on platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and TikTok has recorded a song. Singer Arjun Sapkota has extended an opportunity to Pariyar by presenting a female rendition of his highly successful track ‘Paani Pareko’.
The song, initially released by Sapkota as a solo performance nine months ago, enjoyed significant acclaim. Sapkota’s version of the song was with the title ‘Ae Thuli’, garnering over 5.2m views.
The female version of the same song is launched anew on Monday, featuring both Sapkota and Pariyar in the music video.
Directed by Kajish Shrestha, the lyrics of the song is written by Krishna Bashyal.
As of Friday, the music video of ‘Paani Pareko’ on YouTube has accumulated over 900,000 views.