Flood victims seek pledges from candidates for votes

Flood victims of Shuklaphant Municipality-12 have decided to press the election candidates for their commitment to solve the problems of floods and request for the votes thereafter. The flood victims have formed a struggle committee to exert collective pressure on the candidates when they come to the locality to seek votes. They have prepared eight points in the commitment paper to show to the candidates.

The people have decided to vote for the candidates who sign the commitment paper and show keen interest to solve the problem of flooding they have been facing every year for a long time.

"In the past, many candidates- both the winner and loser made mere verbal commitments before us. But after the election, they failed to return and work for our cause," said one of the flood victims, Laxman Rana, adding, "We, therefore, are urging them to make a written commitment this time." He, however, said only party cadres had reached them for votes, but not the candidates. "We're committed to building an embankment by making a long term project like that of Mahakali to protect the settlements of Tilki, Dubaha, Amghat, Dammalpatti, Aglipatti, Badbaika which are on the bank of Doda River. If we fail to accomplish it in three years, we resign from the post of people's representatives,” the commitment paper read. Chairman of Community Disaster Management Committee Mangal Chaudhary, stressed that the election candidates must reach the settlements which have been facing the problems of floods. They should reach the flood-affected households at least twice a year -not only in election campaigning. As many as 27 households were displaced by the recent floods.