Bagmati Province government ensures free blood transfusion service for needy

Citizens in the Bagmati Province will be provided blood transfusion services free of cost.  The Province Government has launched the service, as per the Blood Transfusion Service Operation and Management Working Procedure, targeting those people who can't afford it. Blood transfusion is medically one of the most essential services. The District Health Office, Chitwan has reached an agreement with the Regional Blood Transfusion Center, Bharatpur for making the free service available in the district.

Office Chief Durga Dutta Chapagain and Nepal Red Cross Society provincial blood transfusion center president Gyanshali Neupane signed the agreement on behalf of their respective sides in the presence of representatives from three hospitals in the district.

The Office Chief said that patients receiving treatment at Bharatpur Hospital, BP Koirala Memorial Cancer Hospital and Bakulahar Ratnagar Hospital will be entitled to the free service. A patient meeting the criteria for free service will get 10 units of blood in a year. Besides, a dialysis patient and the one who needs frequent blood transfusions will get an additional 10 units of blood. The patient shall present documents to confirm s/he is the Province citizen, stating that paid service is unaffordable for her/ him.  In case of emergency cases, geography will not be a matter to get the service. The office has allocated a budget for the free distribution of 3,800 units of blood in a year.  The center takes Rs 850 as the service charge. There is a demand for around 150 units of blood in the district each day. The supply is not sufficient to meet the demand and it is adjusted by obtaining blood from neighboring districts, Kathmandu and Pokhara, The service is expected to be directly beneficial for patients from indigent community. Blood transfusion is highly required in accident cases, cancer and delivery cases.