Minister Badu had replied to the questions raised by the lawmakers on the bill. He said the bill has also made provision for appeal. According to this provision, the victimized party can go to the chief seeking an appeal in case the inspector commits a mistake while the aggrieved party can knock the door of the High Court on a decision handed by the District Court.
Minister Badu said that the main objective of the bill is to bring into use the metric system throughout Nepal, promote fairness, accountability and competition in economic activities and making the definition of the basic unit of weights and measures of international standard. He added that a provision has been made in the bill for a new type of punishment on anyone misusing the weights and measurement instruments or committing any faults. Before this, taking part in the bill along with the message of National Assembly, Khatiwada demanded replacing the word Standard used in the name of the bill by Nepali word. He argued that he has brought an amendment proposal on the bill to make it further richer. Prem Suwal said that if it is mentioned in the preamble of the bill itself that production and distribution of goods would be carried under the state ownership, only then there would be a uniform standard of weights and measures. This would help make the economic activities transparent and fair. He demanded action against any person pre-informing about the market monitoring. Rajbhandari called for paying attention to international standards while bringing the bill. Lawmakers Mana Kumari GC and Padma Narayan Chaudhary pointed out the need of making the weights and measures systematic.