Rain expected until Saturday

The weather will be partly to generally cloudy throughout the country with rain in most of the places until Saturday.

Meteorologist at the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, Ganga Nagarkoti shared that it would be partly to generally cloudy with chances of light to moderate rain in most of the places of the country until Saturday as the monsoon is active.

"There is possibility of heavy rain at one or two places of Province 1, Madhes, Bagmati, Gandaki and Lumbini provinces," she said.

The monsoon low pressure trough is located around the normal position to the west and somewhat towards north than the normal position towards east.

The Department said that there are chances of light to moderate rain along with thunder and lightning at some places and of heavy rain at one or two places of Province no 1, Bagmati, Gandaki and Lumbini provinces in the next 24 hours.

Department has urged everyone to adopt precaution as there is the risk of soil erosion, landslide and debris flow as well as rise in water level in the rivers and seasonal rivulets in these regions, affecting the daily life and the transport services.