Thursday, August 22: The Cab­inet amends rules allowing the prime minister to call cabinet meetings from abroad through a video conference.


Friday, August 23: The Supreme Court asks the federal government to come up with reasons behind the formulation of laws to provide monthly sal­ary to all local level represen­tatives.


Saturday, August 24: Minis­ter of Labor, Employment and Social Security Gokarna Bista talks of how the implementation of the landmark social security scheme has hit roadblocks due to a lack of cooperation from industrialists.


Sunday, August 25: Minister of Information and Communica­tion Technology Gokul Banskota assures his countrymen that the republican system is safe and secure.



Monday, August 26: The Supreme Court issues a verdict in Ncell’s favor in a case filed by the private telecom giant against the Large Taxpayers’ Office. Ncell was challenging the payment of Rs 62.63 bil­lion in capital gain tax on its buyout deal.

Nepal Communist Party bars its cadres from criticizing its leaders, and for the first time in the country’s history its cabi­net meeting was held through a video conference.


Tuesday, August 27: Chief Ministers of seven provinces express dissatisfaction over the tourism ministry’s preparations for Visit Nepal Year 2020.

Wednesday, August 28: Nepal Army says it will complete the Kathmandu-Nijgadh fast-track within the next three and a half years.


Thursday, August 29: The government tables the contro­versial Media Council Bill in the National Assembly. Ruling Nepal Communist Party has pledged to amend its contro­versial provisions as per the agreement with the Federation of Nepali Journalists.

Nepal Airlines’ A330 wide-body completes its maiden flight to Osaka, Japan. The airlines will fly to Osaka three times a week