Innovative water management at Kanti Hospital


 The Rainwater Harvesting and Ground Water Recharge System project, supported by Bottlers Nepal Limited, the authorized bottler of the Coca-Cola Company in Nepal, and implemented by Smart Paani Pvt. Ltd., has been handed over to the Kanti Children’s Hospital. The handover ceremony was held at Kanti Children’s Hospital, Maharajgunj this week in the presence of Dr. Ganesh Kumar Rai, Direc­tor of Kanti Children’s Hos­pital, Pradip Pandey, Man­aging Director of Bottlers Nepal Limited, and Suman Shakya, Managing Director of Smart Paani Pvt. Ltd. In its relentless drive to creating lasting positive impacts on the communities it operates in, the Coca-Cola Company continues to work on sus­tainability efforts including water efficiency, water con­servation, water replenish­ment and integrated water resource management, a press release issued by the company reads.