The conversation in chaos (Poem)

Oh, dear, I’m in pain,
This dream I chase—should I gain?
The path is rough, the road unkind,
I’m tired, weak—I’m losing my shine.

No, fragile strength, we’ve come too far,
We can’t just wish upon a star
Dreams need work, they take their time,
Hold on tight, this climb is fine

But, oh! The pain—I feel it deep,
Every stumble makes me weep
I throb, I break, I bruise, I bend
Can’t we just stop? Must this extend?

I know it hurts, I truly do,
But my, I stand right next to you
If you say stop, I’ll take your lead,
But dreams won’t grow unless we bleed.

Oh, you’re too strong, yet soft inside,
You melt for tears, you run, you hide
You say you’re tough, but I can see—
You feel too much, just like me.

I wish I didn’t—I really try,
But every tear, I can’t deny
I push, I fight, but when you ache,
I lose my strength, I start to break.

Then promise me, through all the pain,
We’ll stand as one, through loss and gain​​​​​​​
I promise, Heart, we’ll see this through,
I’ll stay with you, if you want me to.


Shreya Shrestha

BA 2ndYear

Bagiswori College, Bhaktapur​​​​​​​

Social Media Bill: A direct attack on the right to anonymity?

The Social Media Regulation Bill, recently tabled in Parliament has sparked debate over digital rights in Nepal. While the government justifies that the bills are necessary to combat misinformation, cybercrime and threats to national security, its provisions raise serious concerns about free speech, privacy, and the right to anonymity. Today online platforms serve as a pivotal space for political discourse, activism, and journalism making these issues even more pressing.

Understanding the right to anonymity

Anonymity, the condition of being anonymous, in cyberspace protects an individual's identity, especially when talking over sensitive topics, engaging in political discourse, or whistleblowing against government misconduct. In modern democracies the right to anonymity is a fundamental ground of digital privacy and freedom of expression, allowing individuals to communicate, express opinions and access information without fear of undue surveillance or retaliation.

This concept is directly linked with the constitutional fundamental rights enshrined in Article 17 (freedom of expression) and Article 28 (the right to privacy). International human rights instruments, such as Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and Article 17 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers

How the Social Media Bill violates the right to anonymity

Nepal’s recent social media regulation bill introduces provisions that potentially infringe upon this right, raising significant concerns .The bill proposes compulsory identity verification for users on social media and digital platforms, section 27(2) states that operating a fake or anonymous account to spread misinformation could result in three months of imprisonment or a fine of up to NPR 50,000.This requirement forces individuals to disclose their personal details, eliminating the ability to remain anonymous online. Section 27(3) increases the punishment to five years in prison and NPR 1.5 million in fines if the anonymous account is deemed to harm national sovereignty, unity, or public harmony, the ambiguity in the bill regarding terms like “misinformation” and “threats to public order” grants authorities’ arbitrary power, opens the door for misuse and creates a climate of fear and self-censorship.

This contradicts global legal precedents, including the position of the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression, which underscores that anonymity is essential for democratic participation. Similarly, the United Nations Human Rights Committee (UNHRC) has consistently upheld the importance of privacy and anonymity as fundamental to the right to freedom of expression. In General Comment No. 34, the Committee emphasized that any restrictions on freedom of expression must be necessary and proportionate and should not undermine the right itself. Policies that facilitate extensive surveillance without adequate safeguards risk violating these principles.

Nepal’s Cyber Security Bill takes a deterrent approach rather than a protective one, infringing upon fundamental rights, including the right to anonymity. While cybersecurity regulations are necessary to tackle cybercrimes, they should not come at the cost of individual freedoms. The bill requires revisions to ensure that security measures are balanced with privacy rights, transparency, and accountability. Instead of compulsory identity disclosures, the government should focus on data protection laws, encryption rights, and judicial oversight to prevent the misuse of cyber laws for political or authoritarian control.   

Pratikshya Aganja 

Kathmandu School of Law

Bittersweet (Poem)

Embrace of death only as sweet

As coffee is with sugar

The reality of life only as harsh

As thorns are to a flower


A soul judged by fate

Can it really stay true to its desire?

The scars that run deep into the soul

To be healed does it aspire?


Love with all its beauty

Why does it crush the heart till it’s broken?

Pain with all is misery

Why does it bring happiness I wonder?


Through countless lives, through countless hours

What is life I do wonder

Leaves the soul drowning so deep

With not a single ounce of strength to save her


Arnav Shrestha

A Level

LA College

Invisible wounds: Children caught in domestic violence

In the heart of Nepal, where traditions run deep and societal norms often remain unchallenged, a silent epidemic continues to shatter lives behind closed doors. Domestic violence, a persistent blight on the social fabric, affects more than just the women who are often its primary targets. Its echoes resonate deeply in the lives of children, turning homes into battlegrounds and childhoods into harrowing tales of survival.

Recent data from the Nepal Police reveals that 80 percent of gender-based violence cases are categorized as domestic violence. Among these, 53 percent involve physical harm, while 47 percent are rooted in psychological abuse. Yet, the statistics only hint at the extent of the problem. Hidden within these numbers are children—those who, far from being mere witnesses, are often primary victims of the violence. Children suffer silently as they endure physical, emotional, and even sexual abuse in environments meant to nurture and protect them. In urban areas, violence is often concealed behind closed doors, while in rural regions, societal stigma further discourages victims from seeking help. Reasons for abuse range from perceived disobedience and academic struggles to deeply entrenched cultural preferences for male heirs. Families often inflict physical and emotional abuse on mothers and daughters in their quest for a male child, perpetuating cycles of trauma.

The story of Maya, a 10-year-old girl from a rural village in Nepal, paints a vivid picture of this harsh reality. Maya’s mother was subjected to daily abuse by her father for failing to produce a male heir. Witnessing her mother’s suffering, Maya often became a target herself, enduring harsh beatings for minor missteps. Her father’s anger escalated to the point where he stopped paying for Maya’s school fees, effectively cutting her off from education. Maya’s dreams of becoming a teacher began to crumble as she watched her mother’s resilience falter under the weight of continuous violence. The cycle of abuse seemed inescapable, leaving Maya to wonder if she would ever find a safe and nurturing environment.

In some horrifying cases, children like Maya are involuntarily thrust into the role of protectors. A study from Cape Town’s Red Cross Children’s Hospital found that 40 percent of children admitted with brain injuries had been used as "human shields" during domestic disputes. These children bear not only the physical scars of violence but also the psychological weight of being pawns in a battle they never chose to fight. The situation is no less dire in Nepal. Here, children are frequently used as leverage in abusive households, with threats of harm or removal from the family often silencing mothers who might otherwise report the abuse. Fear of losing custody or being unable to support their children traps many women in cycles of violence, leaving children exposed to prolonged trauma.

The effects of domestic violence on children are profound and far-reaching. Studies have shown that children exposed to such environments often struggle with cognitive and emotional development. They may experience depression, anxiety, and behavioral issues, including aggression and withdrawal. In the long term, these children face an increased risk of developing chronic health issues such as heart disease and diabetes, perpetuating the intergenerational impacts of abuse. Preschool children often regress to earlier developmental stages, displaying behaviors such as bed-wetting or excessive crying. School-aged children may grapple with guilt, believing they are responsible for the abuse. They often struggle academically and socially, while teenagers may engage in risky behaviors, from substance abuse to delinquency. The psychological scars of domestic violence frequently manifest in adulthood, shaping how survivors perceive relationships and conflict.

Nepal’s legal framework acknowledges children’s rights but falls short of addressing their specific vulnerabilities in the context of domestic violence. Article 39 of the Constitution guarantees children the right to education, health, and protection. The ‘Act Relating to Children, 2075’ emphasizes the need for care, protection, and education. Section 7 of the Act mandates that every child should receive proper care, maintenance, and love from their families. It also obligates the state to intervene when children’s rights are at risk. Furthermore, the National Child Rights Council operates services like Child Helpline 1098, yet these initiatives often fail to reach the most vulnerable due to limited outreach and insufficient implementation.

Globally, conventions like the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) set benchmarks for child protection. The CRC emphasizes that all children should be safeguarded from violence, abuse, and exploitation. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and other international frameworks also mandate special care and assistance for children. The CRC’s guidelines are clear: children should grow up in safe, nurturing environments. However, while Nepal aligns with these standards on paper, execution at the national and community levels remains a challenge. Insufficient funding, lack of trained personnel, and cultural resistance often hinder meaningful implementation.

Breaking the cycle of domestic violence requires a multifaceted approach. Legal reforms must explicitly recognize children as primary victims of domestic violence and enforce stricter penalties for perpetrators. Community-based interventions, involving local organizations and leaders, can establish safe spaces and support networks for affected families. Awareness campaigns should educate families about the long-term harm caused by domestic violence, fostering a culture of accountability and empathy. Equally important, accessible mental health services are essential to help children recover from the trauma of abuse. Schools can play a pivotal role by implementing programs that teach children about their rights and encourage open dialogue about abuse. Empowering children to speak out, coupled with robust support systems, can significantly mitigate the impact of domestic violence.

Children are the bedrock of any society, embodying its hopes and aspirations. Yet, for many in Nepal, the shadow of domestic violence dims their potential. The story of Maya and countless others underscores the urgency of acknowledging and addressing their suffering. By transforming policies and societal attitudes to create safe, nurturing environments, we can ensure that no child grows up shielded and scarred by the violence that once defined their home.


Akansha Karmacharya

BA LLB IVth Year

Kathmandu School of Law