Warehouse robotics productivity
A famous example of human-robot collaboration is Nike’s warehouse robots that provide its service in its fulfillment centers. One example is Locus bot. These robots can help to improve the warehouse productivity by freeing the worker cumbersome carts dramatically and reducing the waste of walking time. The robots will bring the items to human pickers so that they can be packaged and labeled for dispatch. Locus comprises multiple products that use greater capacity and productivity for the warehouse.
Locus multibot solutions deal with the design, construction, operation, and use of robots and computer systems for their control, information processings and sensory feedback. Locus intelligent clustering algorithm continuously reviews orders from the warehouse management system to maximize productivity and chooses order to optimize work density.
Locus directly uses the optimal pick container and dynamically calculates the smartest path through the warehouse and proceeds to the first pick where the associates meet the bot. The bot displays the pick information on an easy to read display in the associates preferred language. Then the associate will pick the item and scan it with the integrated system and place it in the appropriate bin. After the pick, the bot directs the associate to the next closest robot for more work while the robot moves to its next task, often with a different associate. The associate engaged with the multiple robots to complete more tasks faster.
With locus, one can get true task interleaving which helps associates to be able to switch between picking and put away. Locus continuously evaluates the order pool associate proximity and even congestion resulting in shorter cycle times and greater productivity to better meet service-level agreements. There is no need to log in or slow down or carry other devices because the robots are shared resources that bring the work to the associates. One can use any combination of the container type including existing containers or shipping cartons.
The bot charges automatically and can work round the clock and locus is flexible automation allowing it to easily scale seasonally. Locus adds innovatively industry leading reports and dashboards analytics which gives the team powerful actionable information that they need in the real time helping to drive continuous improvement. Locus robots are working to pick up a wide variety of products in warehouses around the world where clients see two to three times greater productivity and measurable return on investment in just a few months.
Artificial Intelligence increases human robot interaction, collaboration opportunities, automates repetitive tasks, improves efficiency and productivity. AI helps robots mimic human behavior more closely which will further act and think more like people which can integrate better into the workforce and bring a level of efficiency unmatched by human employees. Repetitive task automation and automated chatbots will remain major milestones in the years to come. This will not only increase productivity and strengthen the economy, but will also diversify the revenue streams, improve employment and earning opportunities.