The healing herb: Rosemary

Some two decades ago, rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus ) was almost unknown in Nepal. It was only used as an imported dried herb by exclusive Kathmandu restaurants and star hotels for seasoning foods, especially in continental cuisine, for its unique aroma. But in later years, rosemary plants were readily available in pots in the nurseries around the valley and soon turned into exotic household shrubbery in people’s garden collections. Rosemary is an aromatic, perennial evergreen shrub belonging to the mint family (Labiatae), native to the hills along the Mediterranean, Portugal, and northwestern Spain but now grown worldwide. 

Generally erect with needle-like, gray-green leaves, the shrubs can grow from four to six feet high. You only have to pinch or squeeze a few leaves between your fingers to check its sharp and zesty redolence. You can’t help but utter the word: Wow! Besides, rosemary serves as a condiment in culinary usage to accentuate the flavor or pair it with poultry, fish, lamb, soups, sauces, stews, and potatoes or pizza-garnishing. It can also jazz up non-alcoholic beverages like sparkling water, iced tea, and lemonade to turn them into a healthy drink.

For its woodsy solid flavor, slightly bitter and astringent, you must use it sparingly lest it gets the better of other spices and spoil your savory dish.  Further, the production of cosmetic and toiletry items, such as perfumes, soaps, creams, and lotions, utilizes rosemary. In Nepal, people also burn it as incense. And to go by history, the therapeutic herb, since times immemorial, has been used in folk medicine to alleviate several ailments from headache, stomach pain, arthritis, gout, and epilepsy to rheumatism, spasms, anxiety, hysteria, anxiety, depression, and dysmenorrhea

In Ayurveda treatments, too, the essential oil extracted from rosemary, known as Rujamari, is said to ease off in our metabolism, excess dosas like Vata and Kapha, and boost the Pitta. The oil extract from rosemary also serves as a tonic for the hair, improving negative thoughts and relieving fatigue. 

In both in vitro and in vivo investigations, the analysis led to the wonder herb’s rich source of iron, calcium, copper, and magnesium, with several vitamins like A, B, C, and E, as well as riboflavin and folate. Let’s look at other peer-reviewed and science-backed health-promoting benefits of rosemary, including folate and riboflavin.

Potential against the risk of Cancer

  • Rosemary comprises carnosic acid and carnasol, compounds known for their potent antioxidant properties. Clinical studies have discovered that these elements help delay the progression or reproduction of cancer cells, reducing the risk of developing tumors.

Helps fight Diabetes

  • Rosemary contains potent micronutrients like rosmarinic and carnosic acids, which exert insulin-like outcomes to help lower high blood sugar levels by promoting glucose absorption into body muscle cells. Clinical analysis shows rosemary extract and its polyphenolic constituents contain ant-hyperglycemic properties.

Improves blood circulation

  • Efficient blood circulation in our body cells is crucial for our organs, like the heart, lungs, and muscles, to function adequately. The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances in rosemary help improve blood circulation and cardiovascular health. 

Aids and reinforces the immune system

  • The carnosic and rosmarinic acids in rosemary arm the herb with efficacious antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal qualities. Regular intake of rosemary herb can lower the risk of infection and help the immune system.   

Supports brain health

  • The potent properties inherent in rosemary upgrade mental health and promote memory by boosting the acetylcholine in our nerve cells, acting as neurotransmitters, our body’s prime chemical messengers. Scientific studies have supported that the carnosic acid content in rosemary helps fight off damage by free radicals in the brain. 

Clinical studies have shown that rosemary may boost cognitive function and prevent memory loss in older adults or as we age. Believe it or not, scientists claim sniffing at rosemary improves memory by as high as 75 percent.

Fights stress and anxiety

  • Rosemary may be used as a snuff to enhance mood as a part of aromatherapy, which remained practiced since ancient times. Simply inhaling the strong whiff of rosemary supposedly aids in lowering the cortisol levels in our blood to lower stress hormones, alleviate stress and anxiety, and improve sleep. 

Protects vision

  • Research has led to the finding that the carnosic acid in rosemary slows down the age-related macular degeneration of our eyes, a leading cause of vision loss among the elderly.

Aids digestion and gut health

  • A cup of rosemary tea after a meal serves as a remedy for digestion-related issues. It boosts the balance of healthy gut bacteria in our body, thus supporting digestion. 

Clinical studies have also shown that treatment with rosemary extract was effective in reducing colon tissue lesions, colitis, and irritable bowel syndrome. Furthermore, it was traditionally used as a natural cure for gastrointestinal issues like upset stomach, constipation, gas, and bloating, as it helps relax the intestine muscles. 

Good for respiratory health  

  • For containing a property called cineole (eucalyptol), rosemary also treats inflammatory respiratory disorders, such as the common cold, bronchitis, and sinusitis. Drinking rosemary tea can offer relief if people get mucus buildup in the lungs. 

Regarding how to brew a cup of healing rosemary tea, pour boiling water over a fresh rosemary sprig or dried rosemary leaves, cover it, let it stay for 5 to 10 minutes, and then strain it. Voila, your healing herbal tea is ready.


Care and caution are essential when you introduce rosemary into your diet plan. Maintaining moderation should take priority. The herb is usually safe when taken in low doses. Albeit side effects in ingesting it are rare, massive doses could cause possible side effects like: 

  • Vomiting
  • Spasms
  • Coma
  • Pulmonary edema (fluid in the lungs), its 
  • Further, pregnant women and children should avoid the intake of rosemary for its possible adverse effects


Disclaimer: The views expressed in the above text are solely research-based, not medical advice; the author solicits readers’ discretion and cross-references or consulting a healthcare provider for further verification.

[email protected]

An invader out of the blue—Changa Chait!

Albeit, age has caught up with me—past my mid-sixties today—every Dashain, when kites dot the sky in a kaleidoscope of vibrant colors–red, blue, yellow, green, you name it, the sight mesmerizes me to take a flight down memory lane to my childhood fantasy—flying and fighting kites.  

Bygone memories surge back, and the image of a skinny little boy swims before my eyes. Oblivious to the rest of the world, he totes a lattai (wooden reel), his eyes glued on his red kite pivoting, spinning, and diving in the sky in the sweltering midday sun, his face turned ruddy swathed in sweat and grime—for all he cares. 

Just then, out of the blue, a yellow-n-black bi-colored kite looms, spoiling for a fight. The boy watches the adversary and, with bated breath, braces himself. The challenger soars up, whirls, and tears down upon his kite. 

Attaboy! The boy smartly outwits the blitzing onrush, propels his kite above the opponent’s, and, gaining the upper hand, zeroes in on it before it can get its bearings. The duel kicks off, both fixated on a kill as lines get fed, and the warring kites spin away. 

Hardly past a few moments, the bi-colored contender, unawares, totters and plunges earthward in a pathetic glide. ‘Chait’, bursts out the boy, bellowing at the top of his voice—his cheeks flushed florid.  

How can I forget those stirring moments drenched in excitement and drama, let alone the wide-eyed, heady little lad flying his kite? Because, dear readers, I was ‘he’.

In the 1960s, in Kathmandu, with no telly and dreary delays (some for months) for movies to switch at the handful of theaters, for the youngsters, the only way out to unwind during the Dashain holidays was to fly kites, run kites and fight kites.

I was 10/12 years old, and my passion and obsession was flying kites. And to satisfy my craze, I would go to any lengths head over heels. I whined, scrounged, stole, threw one too many tantrums at home, and did not mind trading mom’s thrashing for a day’s kiting. 

Following the Dashain escapades, what stood out as endearing reminders were the tell-tale cuts, gashes, and rashes, all so gallantly endured during the time, and the sudden nostalgic feeling a cherished season had again gone by a little too early.

The historical Asan Tole, in those days, with a sprinkling of kite shops, was the hub for all the kiting paraphernalia. Unlike the ready-to-use glass-coated strings (available in later years), we had to do with plain strings. The kites came from Kolkata and Patna (India), the strings from Bareilly (India), while the local carpenters made the wooden reels.

There was more; we could not just yet have a go at flying, as we stood no chance of sparring it out with other flyers without applying the maza on the string—a concoction of alas (flax seed), arrowroot powder, sago grains, a slippery extract squeezed out of a cactus plant called ghyukumari (aloe vera), and powdered glass (pounded electric bulbs). 

We brewed the whole gamut of ingredients into a thick consistency and then applied it to the string and let it dry in the sun; every kiter prided himself in his maza recipe, which he kept hush-hush for success at kite fighting, rested upon it.

I was not an ace fighter, but I held some clout over my neighborhood peers. In my elements, I downed seven or eight kites in a day against a loss of two or three, a feat my local pals admired. But there were days when only frustrating defeats stared me in the face. 

I had friends who were great at kite running, but I needed a stomach for it as it called for speed and brawn that I lacked, and as often as not, such runs ended up in brawls.

One Dashain, our neighborhood was in for a big jolt—an intruder had trespassed our territory, blazing a cutting spree across our sky, spelling doom for every single kite that dared cross its path. None stood a chance, and none—spared. A confrontation for me was inevitable, but I was not the kind to be intimidated that easily. But, it looked like I was fated, too, like the other kiters. It hurt bad when I lost kite after kite to this formidable adversary.

What confounded us most was his style of launching an attack, which was weird to all flyers of our genre. The rule of thumb for us was to secure an upper hold over the opponent’s line and feed the line in a steady, unhurried motion after complete contact. To our disbelief, this fellow did the contrary by engaging his line from below. Incredible!

The kite approached from below, lifted straight up in an unexpected rush, and before we could grasp what was happening, our lines snapped as if a razor had touched them off. Just like that, no kidding! The cutting binge continued for days; all we could do was gawk at our hapless kites. None of our ruses worked against this seemingly invincible invader.

Overnight, this stranger had turned into a superstar, talked about in hushed tones whenever the boys met in the alleys of our neighborhood. Words flew around that this fellow was from India visiting an uncle in our neighborhood.

Near desperation, I decided to visit this mystery fellow, a dark horse—just a spitting distance away from my house. When I dropped by the house, to my great surprise, I found him flying his kite with his bare hands, the reel held by another chap. 

Whoa! No boy in Kathmandu then flew with bare hands! Even as I watched, dumbfounded at the ease, the flourish, and the control he displayed at tugging and jerking on his line, he downed two kites to their doom.

I cautiously approached him, anxious to get to the bottom of this mystery, “Wow! That was superb—two kites downed in less than ten minutes. You know this is the first time anyone has struck off kites in this style in our neighborhood.”

“Well, there is nothing special to it. In India, we fight kites this way,” he smiled. Fascinated, I decided to pry into the matter, pushing on, “It beats me how you do it ‘cause we only spar by paying off our line.”

“Simple,” he volunteered. “If you are mounting your attack by hauling your line, you have to pilot from below when you go for the coup de grace. You need to maintain the upward surge at a very fast and unbroken pace. If you stick to a rapid drag, keeping your line taut, it devastates your opponent.”

“So what’s the other guy supposed to do to foil this attack?” I egged him impatiently. “No sweat! All he has to do is make a dive for it to meet the surge as fast as he can until his line gets into full contact and let go of his line. This way, the other guy won't stand a ghost of a chance.” For me, it was a sensational revelation.

As expected, I had a showdown with him the next day; I launched an attack following the newcomer’s instruction to the letter. I could not believe my eyes when down went his kite; the day followed with three more victories for me against him with just one loss. 

So, after all, this guy was not as invincible as all the local boys and I had come to believe. One should have watched me then, swaggering down the street, my chin held high, my neighborhood boys eyeing me green with envy!

 Most admittedly, the chap from India had caused quite a stir in our neighborhood like never before. The dog-fights between us continued for two more days, each vying to outwit the other, scores almost nip and tuck. Our kites dominated the sky as if the rest did not exist. However, we all this time shared a strange camaraderie despite our kites being in perpetual warfare.

Following a week of our tug of war, I was all set as usual, with a renewed enthusiasm for a face-off. But the sky was conspicuous by the stranger’s kite’s absence. I frantically scoured the sky for his kite to appear almost the entire day, followed by a disappointing two more days–to little avail.

I learned he had left for India. For many Dashains that followed, as the pirouetting kites flashed in vibrant hues and shades against the indigo sky, I really and truly missed the invader from the blue.

[email protected]

Coffee: The caffeine conundrum

“What goes best with a cup of coffee? Another cup”—Henry Rollins. It’s an open secret that coffee drinking today has become all the rage worldwide. Over 2.25bn cups of coffee get gulped down daily across the globe. In America alone, 87 percent are near or full-on coffee nuts. “There is nothing like a ‘cup of steaming joe’ the first thing in the morning,” says an American friend of mine. “A cup of joe,” meaning coffee, is a derivative from a fusion of two slangs: java and jamoke. 

Coffee, also noted for its exceptional aroma, is exhilarating to your olfactory senses. Suppose lighter roasts give a fruity, flowery, or herbaceous whiff, and medium-roasted coffee beans smack of caramelized, nutty, spicy, or chocolaty flavor. In that case, darker roasts boast that bold, smoky, earthy nuance.

During the 1600s, the Dutch introduced coffee to Southeast Asia by planting coffee seedlings in islands like Bali, Sumatra, and Java. Ultimately, java became a generic expression for coffee but no longer referred to coffee from the Island of Java.

Some novel facts about coffee you probably didn’t know:

  • An Ethiopian Goat herder discovered coffee centuries ago.
  • Bees love coffee.
  • In 1938, a hermit, Hira Giri, brought coffee beans to Nepal from Myanmar and planted them for the first time in Nepal at Aapchaur in Gulmi.
  • Kopi Luwak, one of the most expensive coffees in the world, was first discovered in Indonesia by farmers while picking coffee cherries off their trees. The farmers accidentally ran into the coffee fruits swallowed and excreted by the Asian Palm Civet. The farmers separated the beans from the cat poop, washed them well, and roasted them to sell at an exorbitant price—a cup of Kopi Luwak coffee costs between $35 and $100 today.
  • The credit behind introducing coffee culture in Nepal goes to a Bhaktapur resident, Gagan Pradhan. The first outlet of Himalayan Java at Heritage Plaza, Kamaladi 1999, was his brainchild.

Some two decades back, coffee drinking in Kathmandu remained remote and looked like a privilege enjoyed by those in the know. Coffee drinking held an elite status, considered a cult amongst the elite. Today, Kathmandu and Nepal big cities are booming with coffee culture, revamping the urban lifestyle.

When the issue of coffee crops up, you are spoilt for choice with a horde of java blends the modern-day coffee joints serve, from espresso, mocha, cappuccino, latte, Americano, and a Frappuccino to mind-boggling flavor pairings, whether with ice-cream, choco-bits, rich cream, marshmallow, nuts, fruits, you name it. If the potpourri of toothsome flavors strikes you dumb, watching the barista knock up your blend with a flourish is nothing less than stimulating.  

On the flip side, nothing compares to the elegant simplicity of a regular black coffee when it boils down to its health benefits, as dressing your coffee with cream and sugar or the gamut of those fancier concoctions only poses a risk of negating the health benefits. 

Albeit an instant brew outstrips when it comes to cost and ease, the flavor and quality of freshly ground (Arabica) coffee beans stand second to none. There is, however, so much choice out there to ground coffee; each bean variety carries a unique zing. 

Coffee drinking has been, however, long the topic of debates and clashing feedback regarding its impact on health. And the primary reason for this controversy lies in its caffeine content. It's time to separate fact from fabrication and dig into this myth surrounding coffee consumption.  

From 1991 to early 2016, the WHO categorized coffee drinking as a potential carcinogen running a risk of cancer. That further fueled the fire and frustrating news for the java aficionados. But with the ensuing years, the science-backed and peer-reviewed studies came up with promising results for coffee drinking—more vital than ever and with salutary implications.

The newer studies highlighted that coffee, touted as a vehicle for caffeine detrimental to health, had a lot of sunny side. With time, for its potential health benefits, it breezed into a daily meal plan for most.  

In 2020, an article by Dawn MacKeen in the New York Times reported: “In moderation, coffee seems to be good for most people — that’s 3 to 5 cups daily, or up to 400 milligrams of caffeine.” With evident health benefits, the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) also recommended 400 milligrams a day—four or five cups of coffee—as safe with no adverse effects.

Since coffee may slightly raise the heart rate, people may assume it could trigger or worsen specific heart issues, giving an unwarranted rap to coffee drinking. “But our data suggest that daily coffee intake shouldn’t be discouraged, but rather included as a part of a healthy diet for people with and without heart disease,” said Peter M. Kistler, MD, professor and head of arrhythmia research at the Alfred Hospital and Baker Heart Institute in Melbourne, Australia.  

"The overall evidence has been pretty convincing that coffee has been more healthful than harmful in terms of health outcomes," said Frank Hu, chairperson of the Department of Nutrition at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, in 2021.  

He further manifested that moderate coffee intake—about 2–5 cups a day—is linked to a lower likelihood of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, liver, endometrial cancers, Parkinson’s disease, and depression. It’s even possible that people who drink coffee can reduce their risk of early death. The updated findings even linked to a lower risk of coronary heart disease in coffee-drinking women.

With the higher incidence of colon cancer in men and women (1.3: 1 ratio), newer research has found that colorectal cancer is less likely to develop in coffee-drinking people. 

According to AHA (American Heart Association), “Just a couple of calories a cup, good old black coffee packs quite a punch. It wakes you up, boosts your metabolic rate and decreases the risk of some diseases.”

Let’s take a look at science-backed substantiation of coffee-drinking health benefits that seem to stack up: 

  • For its caffeine content, coffee nurtures your energy level, supports you in losing weight, and hones your mental focus. Regular intake of coffee helps improve mood, endurance, and performance during workouts.
  • Coffee came to be associated with a lessened risk of Type 2 diabetes and Parkinson’s disease. Another startling discovery surfaced that caffeine defended against or slowed down the process of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. (Source: British Heart Association)
  • Meticulous scientific studies further complemented coffee for its antioxidant properties, which protect our cells against free radicals, guarding against heart disease, cancer, and other chronic conditions.
  • Even higher consumption of coffee—caffeinated and decaf alike—may relate to low mortality. The regular intake of coffee worked wonders against the nervous system and helped discourage suicidal tendencies. 
  • Coffee drinking (black with no sugar or sweeteners) promotes cognitive function, enhancing memory, attention, response time, and creativity. 
  • Be it regular or decaf, coffee holds a protective guard for our liver. Advanced research and studies showed coffee drinkers were more likely to have liver enzyme levels at a healthy level than people who did not drink coffee. 

Caveat: To sum up, the goodness of coffee drinking unquestionably has busted a string of myths girding it. However, coffee lovers should also perceive caffeine as dangerous if consumed excessively. Inordinate caffeine input can lead to jitters, anxiety, and disintegrated sleep patterns.

So, temperance or moderation is vital to tuning coffee consumption into a healthy diet. Unless you are highly sensitive to caffeine, a few cups during the day should not affect your sleep pattern. However, avoiding coffee about six hours before bedtime is probably best. Always consult a healthcare professional for individualized advice and guidance.

While caffeine is not bad for senior adults, limiting coffee to no more than four cups a day is advisable. An excessive coffee intake stimulates the nervous system; it is likely to cause heartburn, anxiety, headaches, restlessness, dehydration, and elevated heart palpitations: Mayo Clinic.

Caffeine consumption is also linked with adverse effects on calcium metabolism, possibly causing diminishing calcium absorption in the body. Albeit, coffee drinking in moderation is of slight concern vis-a-vis bone degeneration, a natural biological phenomenon. 

However, coffee fads need to take calcium-rich food like dairy products, citrus fruits, fish, and nuts, to name a few, to negate the caffeine effect on our bones. (

Also, get yourself into a routine workout to pump those endorphins and strike a balance between your diet, including coffee, and a healthy lifestyle. 

References:  National Institutes of Health (NIH), American College of Cardiology, the Mayo Clinic, WebMD, John Hopkins Medicine, and others.

“The article is a testament to the author’s dedicated research on the potential benefits of coffee consumption, offering a wealth of valuable information that undoubtedly brings good news to coffee enthusiasts. It sheds light on a promising meta-analysis indicating a potential reduction in all-cause mortality, alluding to the positive aspects of coffee consumption. Nevertheless, it reminds us of the need for Randomized Control Trials (RCTs) to solidify these findings. This balanced and informative perspective allows us to appreciate the health-related possibilities associated with coffee, underlining the author’s commendable effort in exploring this topic.”—Dr Denis Shrestha, Senior Consultant Cardiologist, Critical Care Specialist

Disclaimer: The views expressed in the above text are solely research-based, not medical advice; the author solicits readers’ discretion and cross-references or consulting a healthcare provider for further confirmation. 

[email protected]

Caught up in a Windstorm

Surreal landscapes. Stark rolling barren mountains. Desert-like basins and moraines. Massive canyon walls—carved up by the Kali Gandaki River. Eroded cliffs, redolent of giant anthills. Mysterious sky caves dug into craggy heights. That’s how Mustang stands apart as the most otherworldly. 

Hang on! One more characteristic sets Mustang apart—the notorious diurnal gust. The afternoons in Mustang get ripped by a gale-force wind with a speed of 30 to 40 knots (60 to 70 km per hour)—the record-high monitored by Jomsom Air Tower stands at 80 knots, nigh 150 km an hour.

In 2018, during a cycling trip to Lo Manthang, Upper Mustang, I got caught up in a horrible windstorm with three cycling mates, Khasing, Diwas, and Shayeet.  

Following a hearty breakfast of tsampa (naked barley) porridge laced with shu cha (Tibetan butter tea) and omelets at Chhusang (2,920m), we hopped into our mountain bikes, heading off to our next destination, Samar (3,660m).

The path in Chhusang led through rows of white-washed houses with narrow stone-laid alleys. We had to duck our heads in some places as we pedaled past gate-like exits built smack dab through the houses. Sheep horns and yak skulls hung on the walls in the pathways—a local religious custom and belief to ward off the village’s evil spirits.

After leaving the town behind, our eyes met arid landscapes as far as we could see. The November morning at eight had a chill, but the sun was up—no wind, though, contrary to our fear. As we gained elevation, we could see high precipices and eroded sandstone cliffs towering over the Kali Gandaki gorge.

After two hours across a desolate, treeless terrain, Chele (3,050m), a cluster of white-washed houses with neatly stacked fuel wood on flat roofs, appeared amidst a bit of greenery and barley fields. We stopped for tea and some refreshments. 

To our surprise, the weather remained calm with a light wind, albeit at 11 am. 

We thanked our stars since we had to grapple with high winds right after we began a day before from Kagbeni—the gateway to Upper Mustang.

Our joy was short-lived, however. Barely past noon, the wind gathered momentum and closed in upon us by afternoon. The wind had taken on a gale force as we huffed it up to Dajong la Pass (3,735m).

The grueling climb on that wind-swept incline seemed impossible, and I fell behind my junior partners. The situation turned for the worst; a massive dust storm hit hard—a fat chance to pedal against it. I dismounted and started shoving my bike.

But the wind was so fierce, and the dust and sand so blinding, I hastened to take shelter under a big rock and flopped on the ground, hugging my knees, my buff pulled over my face; still, I could feel the sand grains pelt my cheeks.

It got so ferocious I feared I might get buried under heavy dust and sand if it continued much longer; the wind carried virtually a wall of dust and fine sand, evocative of a ‘dust devil,’ visibility literally at naught.

The gale eased, though, and the dust, to my relief, settled down after half an hour. A motorbike came roaring up the incline, but as the track held ankle-deep powdery dust, it skidded and could only make it up the slope after being pushed by the pillion rider.

I dragged my bike up the rise—but with no sign of my companions.

I suddenly felt dizzy; my stomach groaned. As a diabetic, I had to replenish myself because we were late for lunch. Just when I thought and feared I would bonk out and relapse into hypoglycemia, Shayeet appeared.

Worried, he had come down to check on me while Khasing and Diwas waited at the crest. It took two small energy bars, three to four gulps of multigrain cereal, almost a bottle of electrolyte drink, and a half-hour rest before I finally felt revived to muster up enough courage to push my bike to the ridge.

A rock cairn marked the pass; prayer flags and flagpoles whipped madly as the wind lashed at them. The jeep track descended a gentle slope as we slid down a canyon into the valley of Samar. 

I sighed in relief as we ducked into the comfort of a lodge, the first in sight. The intense icy windstorm outside still whistled, swooshed, and howled—sounding utterly unnerving. 

[email protected] 

The incredible Lamjung! (With Photos)

It’s fascinating how a photograph steals a moment of our life and turns it into a nostalgic memory. That happened when, in Nov 2022, Raju, my cycling partner, and this scribe set upon an epic cycling journey to Manang—our ultimate goal to accomplish the formidable Annapurna Circuit. 


The Annapurna Circuit traverses across rugged terrain from Beshisahar with as low an elevation of 750m to gain altitude to a whopping 5,416m (Thorang La pass), crossing Manang to Mustang and culminating at Beni, Myagdi, encompassing 230km. Day one on our itinerary was Syange, some 30-odd kilometers from Beshisahar, Lamjung.


Following almost an eight-hour choppy ride in a micro-van from Kathmandu to Besisahar and our anticipation running riot, we began our bike ride early the next day. We learned we had to navigate across the Lamjung district, almost halfway to Manang. And Lamjung seemed poised to dish out unparalleled Nature’s bounty.   


Barely had we left behind the buzzing and bustling city of Besisahar, the landscape opened up with a rustic countryside punctuated by pockets of small settlements, extensive farmland, and verdant scrub forest dotting the hills. The rumbling Marshyandi kept us company, our eyes virtually glued to the tumbling river. Total bliss!


And, to our ecstasy, the snow-capped peaks in the northern-western skyline beckoned us with open arms as we pedaled past brutal climbs and shredded down thrilling downhills. But what swept our feet away was the untold massive waterfalls that crossed our path almost the entire way to Syange. We could swear by the bio-diverse Lamjung—hands down—that stood apart simply incredible!

Debunking food myths: Butter

The dairy product butter remained controversial and bore a bad rap in the food world for ages. That drove people to a lot of head-scratching. Health magazines claimed eating butter for its high dietary fat ran the risk of jacking up cholesterol levels, leading to clogging of the arteries. 

Over the past two decades, people seemed misled by flawed verdicts by scientific research and medicine that health-conscious persons should avoid certain foods, like butter, clarified butter (ghee), coffee, and eggs, among many others, as they contain high cholesterol.

The media hype blew it out of proportion. More and more futuristic research and rigorous probes into the matter in the later years turned the tables, and high-fat foods considered detrimental to health made a convivial comeback.

“Eat butter,” declared the Time Magazine cover in June 2014. Likewise, the New York Times quoted: “Butter is Back.” The news created an uproar worldwide.  

There are no two ways: most adore butter for its rich flavor and creamy texture. For nearly all, a slice of bread on a breakfast table without a dab of butter is like a car without gas. And, when it comes to baking, it stays at the core of making cakes, pastries, loaves, you name it. 

Again, in roasting or air-frying delicacies like poultry, veggies, pasta dishes, and many more, butter is widely and liberally used. It also enhances the flavor of the food while sauteing, pan frying, grilling, searing, barbecuing, and more.

Busting the myths

So what’s the catch? Let’s dig into the healthy side of butter to get to the bottom of the controversy. Let’s take a look at the nutrition chart.

Based on one tablespoon:

  • Calories: 102
  • Total fat: 11.5 grams (approx: saturated 7.29gm, monounsaturated 2.99 gram, polyunsaturated 0.43 gm, and trans-fat 0.47gm) 
  • Carbohydrates, fiber, sugar, and protein: 0 grams
  • Vitamin A: 11 percent of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI)
  • Vitamin E: Two percent of the RDI
  • Vitamin B12: One percent of the RDI
  • Vitamin K: One percent of the RDI
  • Besides, butter is a source of calcium and Vitamin D. (Source: WebMD ). 

Whoa! The concentration of saturated fat and calories in butter appears high, but there is nothing to get alarmed about so soon. Let’s look at the break in the clouds and dig into its line-up of health benefits.  

It aids in the strengthening of bones. 

Butter carries crucial nutrients such as vitamin D and calcium, which are essential for bone growth, development, and strength. The calcium in butter also serves as a preventive measure against osteoporosis, when bone mineral density and bone mass decrease. 

It supports the eyes. 

Butter is high in beta carotene—a beneficial compound that your body converts into vitamin A, helping to slow the rate of vision loss or age-related angina pectoris and macular degeneration.

It can help cut down on the chances of cancer.

Scientific studies have also shown that regular beta-carotene-dense butter intake reduces lung and prostate cancer risks. It is an exceptional source of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)—a fat present in meat and dairy products. 

There is more. Scientific lab reports have shown CLA, for its potential anti-cancer compounds, could help slow the growth of breast cancer and work against cancers of the colon, colorectal, stomach, and liver.  

It helps maintain skin health.

Studies have revealed eating butter for its vitamin E and A content keeps our skin healthier by fortifying it from UV sun rays, reducing inflammation, and speedy healing of skin irritants (inflammation) and superficial wounds. 

Controversy regarding CVD

Regarding cardiovascular health, butter, for its high saturated fat content, still seems to be hounded by anti-fat campaigners. In 2013, an article by Joanna Blythman in The Guardian wrote: A major review of scientific studies on fat, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, concluded that contrary to what scientists led us to believe, “there is no convincing evidence that saturated fat causes heart disease”. In particular, high-carbohydrate diets cause an increased risk of developing CVD (cardiovascular disease). 

In this context, a controversial British cardiologist, public health campaigner, and author, Aseem Malhotra, “challenged the orthodoxy that the consumption of foods containing saturated fat, such as butter and red meat, cause heart disease”. Relieved, the butter-loving Brits took a sigh of great relief.

Food manufacturers and processors worldwide—everything from low-calorie yogurt and pizza to breakfast cereals and ready meals—seemed set upon an anti-sat-fat campaign to woo the general public away from whole, natural foods, such as butter, which is only minimally processed as against considered a healthy substitute, margarine, which is highly processed. 

“This is about politics, not science,” responded Marion Nestle, professor of nutrition and food studies at New York University. 

“The article ‘Debunking food myths: Butter’ challenges misconceptions about butter’s health impact, highlighting its nutrient content, potential cancer-fighting properties (CLA), and contributions to bone, eye, and skin health. While concerns about saturated fat persist, moderation in butter consumption within a balanced diet—is recommended, emphasizing that enjoying butter in moderation is reasonable,” says Dr Denis Shrestha, Cardiologist/Physician, Advance Polyclinic, Panipokhari, Kathmandu.

As you can see, there are a lot of butter myths out there. However, don’t be naive; better take the long-standing misconception with a grain of salt; there’s less truth to them than they make tall claims. 

The American Heart Association recommends that less than seven percent of our daily calories come from saturated fat. You can eat about a tablespoon of butter daily to meet this goal while still having a nutritious diet.

Moderation is the crux. 

If you eat a moderate amount of butter, include a generous amount of fruits, vegetables, and beans in your meal plan to keep your heart healthy. Focus on eating more fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, and fish. Albeit, only eating nutritious foods does not help. You have to stick to a daily regimen of exercise (jogging, walking, cycling, etc) to strike a balance. 

So, the bottom line is there is no need to avoid butter like the plague. Don’t go overboard or binge, either. Embrace moderation. Distinguished nutritionists, debunking the long-standing myth, argue it’s time to start thinking outside the box about eating butter without a feeling of guilt. 

Medically reviewed by Dr Denis Shrestha, Cardiologist, Consultant Physician, and Critical Care Specialist

[email protected]

You just can’t beat the Beets—the Superfood

Yes, beets or beetroots (beta vulgaris), chukandar in Nepali, the humble crimson-colored root vegetable, is touted as a superfood for its nutrient-dense properties. And indeed, they have lived up to the hype.

The expression ‘superfood’ first appeared in the early 20th century as a strategy to market bananas, a daily source of cheap, easily digestible nutrition. In the blink of an eye, the catchphrase went viral; foods got labeled as superfoods, which contained exceptional levels of nutritional density.  

Not a regular item in our everyday meals and readily dismissed by most, the taste of raw beets for some have a delightfully earthy yet sweet flavor, but for the majority, the flavor might smack like dirt. When I first tried it raw, I almost coughed it out, but when I rustled it up as a salad, I even relished it.  

The ruby-colored root vegetable has so overpoweringly red pigment that it can be messy when sliced, reaching virtually everywhere: your hands, tongue, dress, and whatnot. Amusingly, it scared the daylights out of me once when I ate a little too much of it to find my pee turned pink.

Let's dig further and unravel what makes this root veggie bag so much plaudits to hold the coveted superfood status. My research bowled me over when I ran into the health benefits of beets—a mile long. Today, endurance athletes worldwide go nuts about the wonder veggie to pull off, peak energy and stamina. 

Among several power-packed drinks, from citrus fruit juices, banana smoothies, and chocolate milk to peanut butter, beet juice became one of the most sought-after natural energy drinks. World and Olympic athletes alike started guzzling beet juice to enhance their performance. 

Today, many elite athletes are swearing by the endurance-enhancing power of beet juice with a high concentration of nitrates that enables the blood vessels to dilate and heighten the blood flow, preparing athletes to use oxygen more efficiently to achieve cracking energy and stamina. 

From the World Champion marathoner, Paula Radcliff, the fastest female marathoner of all time (2003 to 2019), to legends like seven consecutive Tour de France Champion, Lance Armstrong, and the 2009 UCI Track-cycling world winner, Taylor Carpenter Phinney, to the Victor of six Paralympic gold medals, six World Championship, David Weir—you won't believe it—all drank beet juice.

Beets work wonders for athletes to boost their performance. But what makes beets deserve a worthy spot in our meal plan? Simply because the wonder veggie packs a chock full of vitamins, minerals, and a rich source of antioxidants, viz., vitamins C, B, magnesium, potassium, copper, iron, and manganese essential to retain efficient metabolism and healthy body cells. Beetroot packs the heaviest punch among vegetables high in nitrates, such as carrots, spinach, and radish.

Shapes up blood pressure

Evidence-based studies have shown beets, due to their high concentration of nitrates, help reduce elevated blood pressure, which causes a significant risk factor for heart disease. 

St Bartholomew's Hospital, based in London, following a 10-year study, concluded that beets with a high level of dietary nitrite that convert into nitric oxide could be as potent as clinical drugs in reducing blood pressure. Their findings showed that the nitric compound helped relax and dilate blood vessels, enabling better oxygen-rich blood and efficient circulation.

Enhances cardiovascular health     

Research carried out by medical scientists contends the fiber content in beets helps to cut down on triglyceride and bad cholesterol, LDL, levels. Both complications invite heart-related problems, like cardiac disease, heart attacks, and stroke.

Further, betaine (plant alkaloid) and folate (a natural form of vitamin B9) in the beets forfend our arteries from atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries and blockage), averting high concentration of homocysteine (an amino acid produced in the body) to a threatening degree. Potassium content in beets follows to prevent the muscles in the walls of the arteries and veins from tightening and narrowing.

Glycemic index-friendly

Scientific studies have shown that beetroot may aid the body's response to insulin sensitivity. Low carbohydrate, substantial fiber content, and high nitrate levels in the root-vegetable are critical factors in lowering insulin resistance. 

Also, a rich source of manganese—involved in the production of insulin—a regular intake of beets helps stabilize blood sugar levels and check sudden spikes. "Raw red beetroot consumption for eight weeks in T2DM patients had beneficial impacts on cognitive function, glucose metabolism, and other metabolic markers." (Source: NIH)

In 2021, a study revealed that participants who ate 100 g (about ⅔ cup) of raw beets daily for eight weeks showed improved cognitive function, glucose metabolism, and other metabolic markers.

Supports brain health

With age, our bodies slow down in producing nitric oxide, which enables our brains to function efficiently. So does our brain's energy metabolism and neuron activity decline. With its high nitrite content, regular beet intake helps generate adequate nitric oxide to compensate for this reduction and helps prevent "brain fades."

Similarly, mental and cognitive functions, too, have to face degeneration with coming of age, which runs the risk of neurodegenerative disorders like dementia. The nitrates in beets promote the dilation of blood vessels, increasing the blood flow to the brain to lessen the negative impact on mental and cognitive faculties like memory power, decision-making, and concentration. 

Supports the immune system 

With rich fiber content, beets enhance the growth of healthy bacteria in our gut. The build-up of good bacteria (microbes) in the digestive system fosters the innate and adaptive immune systems, defending the body against infection and protecting the body's cells. Regular consumption of beets further improves digestion and lowers the risk of chronic constipation. Better immune function leads to cutting down on the likelihood of chronic diseases.

USDA (US Department of Agriculture) reported that a routine intake of a beet-rich diet, for its nutrients like vitamin C, K, A, folate, manganese, iron, and phytochemicals, imparts immune support to ward off chronic ailments. 


Research has linked chronic inflammation in the body to several diseases. Beets, rich in betalains and nitrates, help reduce inflammation by removing harmful compounds from the bloodstream and work wonders against inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis or fibromyalgia.

A detox for our body 

Our livers are responsible for detoxifying toxins in our body's metabolism. The betaine in beets helps the liver to detoxify unwanted toxic deposits.

Fends off cancers 

Research work and studies followed through at Howard University, USA, made a startling find that a routine diet of beets, for its betalain compound content, promotes our immune body cells and enzymes, which inhibit carcinogen formation to keep at bay cancers of the lungs, skin, and colon.

Consume the greens, too. 

A word of advice: Do not look down upon the beet greens and toss them into the trash can. The beet greens, too, serve as a powerhouse of nutrients such as Vitamins A, C, and B6, followed by calcium, zinc, iron, and antioxidants. You can cook it like any other green leafy vegetable. 

Hang on! There is more: Beets help alleviate conditions like anemia, fatigue, Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis, and many more.  


Beets contain oxalates (natural compounds found in vegetables, fruits, nuts, and grains), which, when in excess, can cause body fluid to crystallize. Given that, persons with kidney or gallbladder problems should avoid beetroots.

Working the beets into our meal plan is worth its weight in gold. So, when you go shopping for vegetables next time, see that your shopping list occupies beets as a high priority. Thus, exercising moderation in eating beets is essential. Strike a balance. Be mindful that eating nutritious food alone does not work; incorporate a regular workout regimen to maintain a healthy body.

Beets, if eaten raw, promise the best results. You can shred it and add it to a salad or soup, or blend it in a blender with apple and carrot; season it with freshly ground black pepper and a pinch of salt. Voila, you don't have to look further for another energizing drink! The bottom line is you just can't beat the beets!

Disclaimer: The views expressed in the above text are solely research-based, not medical advice; the author solicits readers' discretion and cross-references or consulting a healthcare provider for further confirmation. 

[email protected]

Magnesium and your health

“To know is to know that you know nothing. That is the meaning of true knowledge,” Socrates. 

These words from the 4th-century Greek philosopher Socrates sound paradoxical but still ring true. In plain language, this quote means: One should always keep an open mind to learn something new. Thus and so, it is worth a try to learn about our body metabolism and what works best to maintain the normal functioning of our organisms and delicate health.  

Among seven macro-minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, chloride, and sulfur, magnesium, too, stands indispensable to sustaining a healthy body. Surprising, as it is, your body needs all the above seven nutrients in larger quantities than micro-minerals like zinc and iron. So how does magnesium work? 

Adequate magnesium supports and regulates our muscles and nerve function and produces energy in our bodies. It also conducts respectable levels of minerals in our bodies, such as calcium, potassium, and zinc. The heart, muscles, and kidneys all need magnesium to function smoothly. Among a horde of benefits of magnesium, some include:

  • It invites healthy blood sugar regulation and supports restorative blood pressure levels.
  • It improves insulin sensitivity and helps stabilize blood sugar levels in type-2 diabetics. 
  • It maintains blood pressure levels, bolstering overall cardiovascular health.
  • It helps alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression
  • It helps reduce headaches and migraine. 
  • It improves sleep disorders.
  • It helps manage and prevent Alzheimer's disease in elders
  • Produces protein in our bodies and sustains our DNA
  • Nourishes heart muscle, kidneys and lowers the risk of stroke
  • Strengthens our immune system and bone health

Low magnesium levels usually don’t show symptoms, but drastically low levels can hike the risk of elevated blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even osteoporosis. Further, low magnesium levels over time can lead to low calcium and potassium levels, which are equally essential for our body.

The recommended daily magnesium value requirement for our body fluctuates from 75mg per day for infants to 220mg for children and 240mg for youngsters, followed by a higher requirement of 400 to 420mg for adults and middle-aged to older people. Whoa! Doesn't that sound like a helluva lot of magnesium?

When we talk about magnesium, we assume we are dealing with supplements—pop up a pill and forget it; as simple as that. 

Hang on! You have got it all wrong. No pills. You will be surprised to know we can get enough magnesium from our food sources. In the event of magnesium deficiency, which can lead to various health complications, a doctor may recommend magnesium supplements if a person cannot get his daily requirement from a regular diet.

Generally speaking, fiber-dense foods are good sources of magnesium. Let’s take a little time to browse the dietary sources of magnesium.  

  • Pumpkin seeds, 30g — 156mg
  • Chia seeds, 30g — 111mg
  • Almonds, 30g — 80mg
  • Spinach, boiled, ½ cup — 78mg
  • Cashews, 30g — 74mg
  • Peanuts, ¼ cup — 63mg
  • Soymilk, 1 cup — 61mg
  • Rolled oats, cooked in unsalted water, 100g — 29mg
  • Bread, whole wheat, two slices — 46mg
  • Avocado, cubed, 1 cup — 44mg
  • Rice, brown, cooked, ½ cup — 42mg
  • Milk, 1 cup — 24mg


Besides, all kinds of green leafy vegetables, carrots, broccoli, bananas, peanut butter, yogurt, legumes, dark chocolates, fatty fish, chicken breasts, tofu, kidney beans, and potato also serve as a good source of magnesium; no need to sweat about an overdose of magnesium through food. Our metabolism gets rid of excess magnesium through urine. No kidding!

Magnesium deficiency issues are sporadic in healthy people; nevertheless, a prolonged poor diet can precipitate it, usually in older adults or those with an underlying illness such as type-2 diabetes, from digestive disorders or Crohn's and Celiac diseases.

Magnesium supplements may intervene if a person is on prescription medication, including antibiotics. It's always advisable to take the supplement, readily available over the counter, subject to a doctor’s recommendation. 

Caveat: A high dose of magnesium from supplements can lead to gastrointestinal problems like diarrhea, nausea, or cramps, and in severe cases, may result in kidney problems, low blood pressure, urine retention, depression, loss of the central nervous system, cardiac arrest and more than that, even death. Kidney-disorder patients should not take magnesium supplements unless their healthcare providers prescribe them. 

To that end, let's tailgate the paradigm shift; try to tweak your daily meals to accommodate profuse magnesium-loaded food—no need to run after supplements.  

“He who has health has hope and he who has hope has everything.” (Arabian proverb)

Disclaimer: The views expressed in the above text are solely research-based, not medical advice; the author solicits readers’ discretion and cross-reference. Consult a doctor before going for supplements. 

[email protected]