Delineating graphs over Nepali politics

Bamboozled by hundreds of optimisms, an era of ragtag politics is in order to vanish. The movie ‘Election’ released in 1999 carries the central theme of the colliding democratic process by exercising excess power. Director Alexander Payne collocates the story in between the complexities and challenges of democracy. Zest democracy seems more debilitating in terms of political juxtapose. The manipulation of democracy in the movie appears to be escalating beyond order being more fragile. Such a graph of muddled outlay in Nepal is measured now-a-days. 

Streamlining the central theme of multiparty democracy appears null, nowadays.  The peripheral eco-political sphere seems harsher as Hari Roka depicts in his volume Baikalpik Arthtantra, released some months ago, where development-based political agendas of classical parties remain frozen in time. A phenomenon of shamelessness exists on the surface as noticeable. Celerity over developmental amalgamation is a tongue-tipped word, but remains silent on execution. Diplomatic tendency swings to and fro scathing in the void of clear and sublime national policy. Veneration upon so-called leaders are nullified by the citizens, but still are chalking out impunity.

Youth on portrayal 

Youth political campaigners are in the basement and are paved toward the vehement and drastic move. A move in a sense that can touch the key aspiration and demand of the community as a whole. Trait theory of leadership implies that leaders are born, not made. Does this theoretical depiction lay any understanding in between the lines of Nepali uncanny politics? Assumptions over the trait theory are merely a solo manipulation, but regardless the Nepali periphery voids enhanced youth accelerating the astir Nepal polity. The cooperative scandal as faced by Rabi Lamichhane can be a prohibiting factor for Nepali youths to start a political career nowadays. 

Camila Vallejo, a female Chilean revolutionist was in peak in the period of 2011 carrying the agenda of socio-educational agendas leading to greater swing of academic institutions. It encompasses a holistic range of educational reformation, building the public funding procedure in education, eco-social reformation, greater scale investment in education that leads to comprehensive improvement over socio-political status. She is from the Communist Party of Chile and currently serves as a minister of the general secretariat of government. Her position is successful till date because of increased public funding on education, provision of free education at all levels and hiked socio-economic status. 

Ben Kirshner, professor of learning science and human development at University of Colorado Boulder in his well-known book Youth Activism in an Era of Education Inequality quest ahead for the mechanisms of youth led educational and political reformation through community involvement. Here Kirshner provides an insightful rapture of clique youth as catalyst for transformation, tendency of academic inequality paved by youths, core synergistic value and more. Here she too provides an event of Denver where youths make meaningful discourses from social media, community forums, pressure groups to enhance the political landscape ultimately leads to panacea. After a long time, this sort of web based political performance seems mushrooming in Nepal achieving noticeable results in the past elections and manifested that will affect the realpolitik in the foreseeable future. The rise of Rastriya Swatantra Party, Balen including other free fledged winner candidates are the example of this web based publicity.

Nepali parameters

Convictions over the economic reformation, distrainment on current federal system, homage to the erstwhile monarch, all the backlash are accordingly entangled within the belief of youth leaders. Disoriented Nepali citizens are surpassingly gazing at the central theme of a youth-based polity, as a parched crow expressing the sign of Are Youngish Still to Accelerate! Can youth halt this sleaze and impunity? Youth having a higher audacity and synergy may have a chance to groom. At the same time, let’s hope populist and futile can go in vain. This kind of gentle synchronization can have a chance of ascending reformation and purification over the holistic ruling system as in Mexico, the Philippines and Russia. 

None of the parameters assume that Nepali politics is dignity-based. Inner-party polarization, fragile government policy, highly volatile governments, low geo-political tensions, low diplomatic outreach, lack of trust are the preliminary tendencies that shove the state in a vicious loop of impunity. Public discontent toward this ruling system commences to proliferate in the level, i.e. monarch wave. If a limelight of youth like Balen, Rabi Lamichhane, Gagan Thapa, Yogesh Bhattarai and Ram Kumari Jhakri portray this agenda, it can carry a significant value and public sentiment starts to rise on them. So the streamliners need to address this phenomenon through a democratic public process. By this, the political graph can be normalized and boomed later.  Thus, a clear line of dignity and rationality needs to be drawn well. 

Enjoining the governing bodies yields neither result nor succession.  The impending leaders are being nurtured from the limited schools of thoughts. It's our prime option to catch their aspiration for the country to develop as a think tank but seems more sapped nowadays.  In full democratic procedure, not only a win-win policy exists. Nonetheless, we are appeasing our gen G generation as a yes-man only. It must be thought of well.

Aw-shucks scenario

Gaps over idealistic political philosophy are not so vicious as depicted, but an inner willingness and eagerness is vital for so. Egalitarian schools are free as a bird to build ideas over rationality. Rapid and soothing ideation can be factors for transformation in the global political arena. We tend to earn outcomes in no time. Does gaining a result in a short span bring a sustained idea and philosophy? Ideological streamliners put forth some tested ideas via brainstorming and figure out a solid political manifesto, which tends to be more behavioral and headline-worthy.

For a system to function, recurrent checks and balances are obligatory. When regulatory bodies intervene, this type of graphs delineate over time, something that needs to be reformed by the system as well. So a strong and meaningful systematic approach can be a philosopher’s stone for further surge.

The author is lecturer at Tribhuvan University, Sindhuli Multiple Campus