Bhupal Baniya, chief dietician, at Nepal Police Hospital in Kathmandu, believes food plays an integral role in how well our body functions. In his 11 years at the hospital, he has seen many people suffer because of bad food habits. It’s gotten worse in recent times when people’s food choices are dictated by what they see on YouTube and other social media platforms. It’s good to want to be healthy but you must also educate yourself and not blindly follow trends, says Baniya. In a conversation with ApEx’s Cilla Khatry, Baniya highlighted the importance of eating according to your body type and making sure you are getting enough nutrients.
What are the things one must keep in mind while eating?
Why do we eat? Food is what gives us energy. It helps our body function. It can also aid in cellular protection and repair. But it can do all this only if our food has all the nutrients our body needs. So instead of focusing on just calories and filling up our bellies, we must make sure our food has all the good nutrients in it. For example, we need carbohydrates and this can come from various sources, especially unhealthy ones. So we have to be mindful it comes from sources like rice, millet, amaranth etc. Next, we need protein and for that we must choose grains, lentils, eggs, and meat rather than processed meats and protein bars. The idea is to eat whole food whenever we can.
Are there things we can incorporate in our daily diets to stay healthy?
Fruits and vegetables, and at least two servings of each, is what I recommend to most people. These have vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which are so essential for proper functioning of our systems. People tend to avoid fat, especially those who want to lose weight. But oil and ghee need to be included in our diets too. You need fiber for a healthy gut and good digestion. Have a helping or two of salad in every meal if possible. For those who like and can digest dairy products, yogurt is a good option. It has good bacteria. If not, fermented products like kimchi can also provide the same benefits.
Is there a proper way to go on a diet?
I think all diets are pointless. It’s important to eat well and eat according to your body type. Any quick fixes are sure to fail. But, having said that, some people might need to go on a diet to gain or lose weight or for various other health reasons. For them, I would recommend consulting a dietician first to determine what their body needs and how to tailor their eating habits. It’s important to remember that diets impact different people differently. What works for your friend might not work for you. You must also remember that food is the fuel your body needs to function properly and not starve yourself in order to lose weight. Many people tend to do that and that’s doing yourself a great disservice.
How can we ensure our food is safe for consumption?
The good thing is our government has started taking food safety seriously. It’s conducting random quality checks and ensuring the food that is out in the market is fit for consumption. The monitoring isn’t enough but it’s in place so that is a hopeful sign. Other than that, there are some things everyone can do to ensure the food they eat is safe. First, when buying vegetables, people tend to look for flawless ones that don’t have any marks or holes in them. This is wrong. These have definitely been sprayed with high levels of insecticides. Next, soak vegetables and fruits in a salt bath for 30 minutes before cooking. This is enough to remove most of the pesticides present in them.
As a nutritionist, what would you say is the best thing one can do for good health?
People need to educate themselves about food and the right way to eat. I would say don’t give in to fads and don’t be swayed by what you hear. Don’t follow what you see on YouTube and other social media. I have seen many people fall ill because something they thought would be good for them didn’t suit their bodies. Instead, learn what works for you. You can work with a nutritionist to find out what your body needs and how to make sure you are getting it. I would recommend ensuring you are getting all the nutrients you need and not just counting calories.
What can be done to make Nepalis aware of the importance of good eating habits?
Based on my experience, Nepalis seem to be warming up to the idea that food plays a crucial role in their health and wellbeing. But nutrition still isn’t being considered a part of treatment by the medical fraternity. There are full time nutritionists in many private hospitals but government hospitals don’t see the need to hire one. And these are the places where patients come in by the droves and most of them are unaware about how food affects their health and recovery. The Nepal government needs to come up with a plan to incorporate diet counseling into the health system.