Train your brain

As we age, our brain function declines. This is one of the reasons why old people aren’t as sharp as young ones. But it’s not something that is inevitable. With the right approach, you can train your brain to function at its best throughout your life. Your brain has the capacity to learn and grow even as you age, but you have to take care of it. Studies have shown that those who keep learning new skills or taking up challenging tasks have better cognition and don’t suffer from memory lapses as they age. But the earlier you start, the better. Here are some things you can consider if you want to boost memory, focus, and concentration.

Build your vocabulary

A good vocabulary is always a plus point. You will appear smarter and be more confident. But it also has another benefit that you don’t want to miss out on. Learning new words can be a stimulating brain game. Research shows that main areas of the brain are involved in tasks that involve vocabulary, particularly those that are important for visual and auditory processing. To start with, learn a new word or two every day and try to use those words in your conversations for the next few days. You can also make a list of words as you learn them—maintain a separate document or notebook for it—and come back to it to quiz yourself as your vocabulary expands.

Solve the Rubik’s cube 

Most of us have this fun thing at home but not all of us can actually solve it. Learning to solve the Rubik’s cube can be highly stimulating and it’s a skill that will make you feel smarter while working your brain muscles. There are many YouTube tutorials that can teach you how to try and solve the cube but each is different and you will really have to work your brain muscles. It will take time for you to learn this skill and you will also need to practice it to master it. The good thing is you can carry a Rubilk’s cube with you and practice whenever you have some time. Once you know how to solve it, you can challenge yourself to finish it within five minutes or less.

Do a jigsaw puzzle

Jigsaw puzzles are fun. It’s also a great way to exercise your brain muscles. These days, you not only get a 100 piece puzzle like you used to earlier but there are many 500 or a 1000 piece puzzles in the market as well so there is really no limit to just how intensive and immersive doing a jigsaw can be. Looking at different pieces and trying to figure out where they fit in the larger picture recruits multiple cognitive abilities. It can also be a meditative practice, calming and nurturing your brain. This is also a fun activity to do with family or friends. We suggest you start with a simple one consisting of 100 or less pieces and then try more complex ones. You can also create your own puzzles by printing a photo or picture you really like and cutting that into little pieces.

Learn a new language

Multiple studies have shown the overwhelming benefits of being able to speak in two or more languages. It’s believed to delay the onset of age related mental decline while also improving memory, creativity, and visual-spatial skills. Learning and using multiple languages in your day to day life is shown to be good for your cognitive reserve, which is your brain’s ability to compensate for damage caused by injury or diseases. It also strengthens neural connections, thus facilitating learning and information retention. If you don’t want to join a physical class, there are many online courses available as well. Alternatively, language learning apps or YouTube tutorials can be great tools if you are undecided about which language to learn.

Listen to or play music

Studies have shown that music has powerful effects on the brain. From stress reduction to sleep quality improvement, music has far reaching impacts. Music can improve memory and concentration by stimulating brain areas involved in learning and information recall. Music is structural and mathematical with one note connecting to the next. You might not be aware of it but your brain actually does a lot of work to make sense of it. Experts suggest listening to different kinds of music to reap its myriad benefits. Often, we listen to the same kind of music as we did when we were in our teens but unfamiliar music forces our brain to restructure itself.

Do things differently

We are creatures of habit and our days follow more or less the same pattern. While routine and discipline are essential for a good life, doing the same thing over and over again can limit mental growth. Try tweaking things up by changing your morning routine, taking a different route to work, or changing the kind of content you watch on the internet. If you are used to doing a certain thing in a particular way, see if you can do it some other way. The idea is not to be stuck in a rut. Your brain will benefit from simple changes and experts say that you will be surprised by how change can promote critical and creative thinking as well.