Emotions and authenticity

I cry , it doesn’t mean I am weak,
I smile ,it doesn’t mean I am happy.
I panic , it doesn’t mean I am scared,
My feelings change in moments unprepared.
Though I cry, it doesn’t mean I’ve lost,
My tears fall from battles I’ve fought.
My smiles may hide the storms within,
But they show the strength I keep deep in.
Even when I quit, I seem the strongest,
Even with fears, I look the boldest.
For the world sees only what is outside,
Not the struggles I quietly keep inside.
If I pretend, the world thinks I’m strong,
While silence hides where I go wrong.
But when I show myself and speak my heart,
I may stand alone, but that’s my art.
Let them judge, let them misunderstand,
I’ll live as me, and take my stand.
No crowd can measure what I am worth,
For being true is the rarest on earth.
Supriya Paudel
BBM III Semester
United College, Kumaripati, Lalitpur
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