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‘Simsara’ book review: The heart of a cold house

‘Simsara’ book review: The heart of a cold house

Any family devoid of love among its members is a broken family. Such a family lives in a newly built house with a defective central beam near a burial ground. The house is cold, but their hearts are colder. Their existence is as cold and isolated as the graveyard nearby. When a family becomes dysfunctional, who is to blame? Is it the parents who couldn’t nurture their marital relationship with love, respect, and friendship? Or the stars, planets, and their misalignment? When no amount of prayers and religious rituals can dispel the coldness of the house, when the ties holding them together get coated in ice and become just as brittle, how will the heat enter the house and the hearts? Basanta Basnet’s new novel, Simsara, grapples with the complexities of one such family.

Basnet launched his third book (Second novel) Simsara recently at Nepal Academy. His literary journey began with 72 ko Vismaya (Dismay of 2015), a non-fiction work that delved deep into Nepal’s turbulent post-transition period of 2015. Through this book, Basnet examined the events of profound historical significance, Madhesh Movement in the Tarai, the process leading to the drafting of the constitution under the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, the four-and-a-half-month embargo imposed by the Indian government, and the 2015 earthquake, which significantly influenced the politicians' efforts to draft the constitution.  Basnet's second book, Mahabhara, explored the themes of love between a Tamang boy and a Limbu girl, set against the political climate of late 90s and early 2000s Nepal, as well as the influences of religion and social foundations. Just as Mahabhara, Simsara is set in the eastern hills of Nepal. It revolves around the complexities of familial relationships and emotional isolation, highlighting how dysfunction within a family can reflect broader societal issues.

In an interview with Suraj Subedi, Basnet claims that our personal experiences aren’t merely personal but are deeply political, as they shape our perspectives. The author sketches his characters based on his personal experiences, knowledge, and imagination. In a dysfunctional family, children, despite being neither the cause nor worthy of blame in any way, are the ones who suffer the most. Sambat, a teenage boy, finds himself at a crossroad as his parents’ relationship deteriorates. He can neither go back to enjoying his childhood nor can he shoulder the responsibilities of an adult. An adolescent in its true sense, Sambat resists the overwhelming challenges of adulthood and yearns to hold onto the playfulness and innocence of childhood. Yet, his resistances are personal, and the majority of it takes place on a mental and emotional level.

The chasm between hearts 

As the length of the lessons Sambat is given to read aloud diminishes, the distance between his parents’ hearts widens. He is forced to navigate this distance but fails to do so. When his life gets chaotic and everything he holds dear begins to fall apart, he attempts to find solace in daydreaming. One day, when Ishvi visits his home accompanying his father, young love buds in his young heart. Sambat then fantasizes a life with Ishvi and leaves the other half of his bed for her every night. Growing up in a dysfunctional family, he hopes to create a healthy family of his own. But fate has something else in store for him.

Sambat’s emotional maturity is portrayed in the internal monologues he delivers. The depth of his internal dialogues with Ishvi surpasses his physical age. In his monologues, he becomes an adult. In his actions, he reverts back to a child. Sambat never gets to hear the end of the story between “Payuu” and “Goman” trees. However, he is a testament to the end of his story with Ishvi and of his parents’ stories. Both of these stories get an ending he could never anticipate.

The shifting political landscape 

Set in the Illam district of the late nineties, the novel also depicts the social and political weather of the time. The change in social and legal systems and the power dynamics between the government and the Maoist party are presented in the novel. While sparks of the Maoist revolution provide a viable environment for the setting of the novel, the author doesn't fully take advantage of it and limits the exploration of the political aspects. Even so, while establishing the clash between two legal systems: The Jana Adalat (The People’s Court) of Maoists and the court system of His Majesty’s Government of Nepal, Basnet exhibits his extensive background in journalistic writing. This approach is parallel to his writing in Mahabhara, where he practices objective reporting and presents the information as neutrally as possible.

Other characters

While the first half of the plot is dominated by Sambat's perspective, the second half introduces the viewpoint of a range of characters who envelop him like an umbrella. Yet, Sambat's views remain dominant throughout, as he serves as the central beam of both the umbrella and the narrative. However, he lacks the strength to become the central beam of his family. 

Simsara is the story of a house with a defective central beam. With a flawed central beam, the foundation of the house begins to falter. In the novel, just as the structural beam of the house, the pillar of a family is flawed in its representation. The patriarchal societal framework posits male as the head of the family. Even so, Mandakranta, his mother, is the unfaltering pillar of Sambat’s life. 

“My mother is like a walnut: hard on the outside, soft on the inside,” states Sambat. Mandakranta’s hardness symbolizes her resilience. Her struggle is not directed against a specific person but is a fight for justice. Her strength and wisdom are presented in the final chapter of the book, where she exhibits the strength of character by being compassionate and empathetic. However, despite having enough space for Mandakranta’s character development throughout the novel, she is denied a voice of her own. While even the beam expresses its thoughts, Mandakranta’s perspective remains unvoiced, despite her being one of the strongest characters. 

Just as strong as Mandakranta is, Dhanroop, Sambat’s father, is a weak character. Even with his position as the male head of the family, his lack of integrity and inability to stand his ground weaken his outlook. So much so that not even his newfound religious inclination could prevent him from bearing the burden of the consequences of his actions.

Finding warmth in fractured bonds

Even though the narrative expression seems repetitive somewhere in the middle, Basnet has stood tall in the challenge of a fiction writer to make his characters seem real. The metaphor of the house as a cold and isolated space parallels the characters’ emotional isolation. And the narration sets a departure from the often-overlooked strength of women in traditional societies. Simsara, like his earlier works, draws on the theme of division. While 72 ko Vismaya is a melting pot of top-down (Government) and bottom-up (Martyr’s family) approaches to looking at the Madhes Revolution, Mahabhara echoes the narrative of personal dreams trained and transformed by the political upheaval. Likewise, Simsara is a tale of how familial structures and power dynamics influence individual lives, particularly those of children, entangled with societal and political contexts.

Simsara is a story of distance: between Ishvi and Sambat, between Payuu and Goman, between Dhanroop and Mandakranta, and between Khawa and Simsara. But that’s just the beginning, not the end. As the characters navigate these distances, Sambat dives into the depths of his own heart and emerges into adulthood. Meanwhile, in her heart, Mandakranta ignites a warmth strong enough to heat the cold house. Likewise, Simsara has the potential to captivate its readers this winter with the simplicity of its language and the depth of its content.
