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Won’t trade national interest for power: PM Oli

Won’t trade national interest for power: PM Oli

Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli has said he will not compromise on national interest to remain in power.

Addressing an event ‘Role of former security personnel in national security and development’ organized by the Nepal National Ex-army and Police Association on Sunday, Oli said his government is committed to the protection of national unity and the welfare of the country.

He said, “We can’t give up our national interest for power or for keeping the government afloat”.

Oli recalled that the government had faced blockades in the past and toppled later on. He added, “At that time, we had pledged to return to power through the main gate of Singhadurbar through elections and not through deception, and we did.”

Prime Minister Oli recalled signing of a trade and transit agreement during his previous term when an Indian embargo was in place.

Describing speculations of his decreasing credibility as sponsored, he insisted that he will show how popular he is in the upcoming elections.

Mentioning that his government is implementing the report of the parliamentary committee on co-operative embezzlement, Prime Minister Oli said it is against democratic norms and values to shout slogans on the court premises in favor of a person under investigation.

PM Oli added that he is not biased toward anyone and that everyone should accept court judgments.
