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E-pass to Singhadurbar

E-pass to Singhadurbar

The government is preparing to issue a new and more ‘user-friendly’ technology—smart/e-pass—to enable people to enter Singhadurbar more easily in place of a complex QR-based online pass system.

Chief Secretary Ek Narayan Aryal decided to implement the system of issuing e-passes for entering Singhadurbar at the secretary-level meeting held on Monday. It will be implemented within a month in coordination with the Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Urban Development and the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology.

According to sources, this decision will replace a complex process of entering the federal government secretariat. At the secretary-level meeting on June 20, the home ministry had decided to cancel all temporary passes it had issued for entering Singhadurbar and implement the e-Gate pass system.

At present, relevant authorities issue gate passes to allow people to enter Singhadurbar for different purposes. Those wishing to get a temporary e-gate pass for entering Singhadurbar have to fill in the details like the name of the agency they are visiting, the purpose of the visit, date and time. The passes are generally issued a day or three days after submission of the online form seeking entry to Singhadurbar. 

A QR code is issued once the relevant ministry approves the pass and those wishing to enter Singhadurbar have to show the same QR code before entry. Those seeking entry can get information about the status of the pass on the dashboard of Singhadurbar’s homepage. 

The new system is expected to increase people’s access to Singhadurbar.
