Government’s joint commitment and policy pledge

On 1 July 2024, the Nepali Congress and CPN-UML forged a seven-point agreement to form a coalition government. Driven by a shared vision to protect national interests, uphold the constitution, enhance development, ensure political stability, foster good governance, promote economic dynamism, accelerate infrastructure development, and achieve prosperity, this policy pledge is presented with the following commitments:

1. Protection of national interests and independent foreign policy

The guiding principles for Nepal's external relations will be based on protecting national identity, sovereignty, territorial integrity, independence, freedom, dignity, and national interests. Prioritizing the nation's best interests, Nepal will enhance diplomatic, economic, social, cultural, and trade relations with all neighboring and friendly nations. These relations will be strengthened on the basis of sovereign equality, fostering balanced and mutually beneficial partnerships.

Bilateral issues with neighboring and friendly countries will be addressed through the spirit of good neighborliness and diplomatic means. Nepal will adhere to the principles of the UN charter, the Panchsheel doctrine, the values of world peace, international commitments, and a just, independent, neutral, and non-aligned foreign policy. Nepal will focus on its development needs, and through economic diplomacy, it will seek to increase foreign assistance and develop strong economic partnerships with neighboring and friendly nations, as well as multilateral development partners.

2. Protection, implementation, and amendment of the constitution

As parties that played a decisive role in the drafting of the 2015 Constitution of Nepal through the historic Constituent Assembly, we acknowledge our primary responsibility to protect, implement, and develop the Constitution. With this spirit of duty, the Constitution will be fully and successfully implemented.

The challenges faced in the implementation of federalism will be addressed, and coordination between state bodies will be made more effective. Remaining laws, including the Federal Civil Service Act, Education Act, and Police Integration Act, will be finalized without delay.

An objective review will be conducted on the overall state of constitutional implementation, achievements, shortcomings, and pending tasks. Based on the conclusions of this review and experiences gained, a broader consensus will be formed through dialogues, and consultations with political parties, civil society, intellectual communities, constitutional experts, and the general public, with a focus on the national concerns and needs of political stability. The Constitution will be amended to enhance public ownership and foster broader acceptance.

Through the amendment process, the democratic republic, federal and inclusive governance system, and other achievements of the 2006/07 people's movement, as well as the foundational pillars of the Constitution, will be further institutionalized and strengthened.

3. Good governance and quality service delivery

The government will operate based on democratic values and principles, guided by the Constitution, rule of law, accountability, an independent judiciary, the separation of powers, freedom of the press, and the promotion and protection of human rights.

Laws impeding public service delivery, governance, and the business environment will be amended. Modern technology will be deployed to make services faster, more efficient, and easily accessible.

Investigations into corruption and abuse of power will be impartial, upholding the principle of equality before the law. Corruption will be combated at all levels, with a commitment to punish wrongdoers regardless of their status. Public accountability will be enhanced to make public office a service to the people.

The capacities of constitutional bodies established to control corruption and institutions responsible for investigation and prosecution will be strengthened. An environment will be created for them to carry out their responsibilities impartially, without fear, pressure, or influence, as stipulated by the Constitution and laws. Duplication in organizational structures will be eliminated to make them more efficient and cost-effective.

The cooperative sector will be regulated by an empowered regulatory body, formed based on the recommendations of the parliamentary investigation committee. Several other measures will also be put in place to address issues in the cooperative sector. Legal action will be taken against those involved in embezzling cooperative depositors' funds, ensuring the secure return of their money. Problems in microfinance institutions will be resolved, and issues related to improper financial transactions will be addressed in accordance with the law.

4. Dynamic economy and development

Considering the background of the current fiscal year's policies, programs, and budget passed by Parliament and the limitations they have created, all possible measures will be taken for reforms.

Fiscal and monetary policies will be aligned as complementary to each other to ensure sustainable and broad-based economic growth. Necessary policy reforms will be introduced to eliminate the sluggishness observed in the areas of production, consumption, trade, and investment. The capacity to utilize capital expenditure will be enhanced to accelerate economic activities.

Recognizing the private sector as a vital engine of growth, the government will foster confidence and facilitate an investment-friendly environment. Regulatory transparency will be strengthened to protect investments and increase economic opportunities.

Policies, laws, and structural reforms will be introduced to create an investment-friendly environment, aimed at increasing investments from domestic, foreign, and non-resident Nepalis. Time-appropriate financial models of development financing will be utilized to increase investments. External economic assistance and loans will be mobilized based on national needs, the state of public debt, and other relevant factors.

Efforts will be made to increase production and productivity, and maintain the ecosystem of distribution and consumption. A priority list of goods, which rely on domestic raw materials and can substitute imports, will be prepared, and investments will be increased to gradually make the country self-sufficient in these goods.

In view of Nepal's upcoming graduation from the least developed country (LDC) status to a developing nation in 2026, necessary economic, foreign aid, trade, and transit policies will be formulated to ensure well-prepared transitions and maintain the achievements thereafter.

Policies and institutional reforms will be implemented to modernize and commercialize the agricultural sector, increasing production and productivity to improve farmers' incomes.

Tourism will be developed by establishing Nepal's pluralism, diversity, multicultural characteristics, and natural beauty as the country’s identity, pride, and heritage, contributing to economic development and employment. 

The policy of promoting electricity generation, expansion, and electrification will be made more effective to increase the growth rate, reduce dependency on fuel, support industrialization, decrease trade deficits, and improve the environment through the use of renewable energy.

The potential of information technology will be maximized, developing it as a means for youth employment, self-employment, and export trade. Modern communication will be utilized to ensure the right to information for citizens, and technology will be used to make all aspects of life easier, including education, healthcare, and production.

Ongoing projects will be completed on time, and priority will be given to proposed plans based on necessity and preparation. New projects will only be approved when adequately prepared, and resources will be allocated accordingly, ensuring that state funds are not wasted on unproductive, scattered, or duplicated activities.

The issue of inter-agency coordination in national infrastructure will be resolved. Duplication and geographical and regional imbalances in infrastructure development will be addressed. Roads and transportation will be developed as the backbone of economic development, the supply chain, and as a network connecting production and tourism centers, as well as a means of service delivery and economic interconnection between citizens.

The capacities of institutions managing development will be enhanced. Payments for completed works will be made on time.

The progress and importance of programs declared as national pride, national priority, and of strategic significance will be reviewed, and necessary steps will be taken to ensure their timely completion.

The sports sector will be established as an effective means of enhancing the nation’s image and as a foundation for the development of youth energy. Investment in sports, athletes, and sports infrastructure will be increased.

To reduce the challenging trend of migration from the hills and rural areas, parallel agricultural production corridors will be constructed along various highways.

5. Social justice and implementation of fundamental rights

The fundamental rights guaranteed by Nepal's Constitution, including the right to health, food, housing, and drinking water, will be ensured. Food security will be guaranteed, and hunger will be eradicated. Efforts will be made to improve eating habits, encouraging healthy, balanced, and nutritious diets.

Steps will be taken to ensure easy access to land for farmers, make proper use of land through scientific management, and guarantee the implementation of the fundamental right to housing. Problems faced by landless individuals, freed bonded laborers (Kamaiya), bonded laborers (Haliya), informal settlers, and farmers and workers who have been cultivating Guthi land for generations will be resolved.

Respect for labor, dignified work, fair wages, social security, and sound industrial labor relations will be established as core principles of labor policy. Domestic employment will be made attractive and dignified, while foreign employment will be promoted as a safe opportunity for skill development.

To ensure equal access to education for all, a quality and skill-based education policy will be adopted that is connected to the nation, society, and life, and capable of evolving with the times. The policy will focus on producing entrepreneurial and educated youth. A national workforce profile will be developed to plan for the development of the human resources necessary for the country's economic growth and prosperity.

Access to quality healthcare will be expanded through health insurance, infrastructure development, and the creation of health awareness programs to achieve the vision of a healthy Nepal.

Gender equality, social inclusion, and equality will be guaranteed, and the achievements in these areas will be made more sustainable, result-oriented, and meaningful. Effective legal and structural measures will be introduced to prevent violence against women, which has been increasing due to the misuse of technology.

The social justice guaranteed by the Constitution for marginalized communities, including the Dalit community, disadvantaged regions, and citizens with disabilities, will be ensured. Homeless individuals, street children, and people living on the streets will be rehabilitated with dignity.

To end the painful situation in which one in five Nepalis still lives below the absolute poverty line, the 2080s decade will be advanced as the “Decade of Ending Poverty.”

6. Youth partnership

Youth participation in politics, public service, economic development, and all other areas of social life will be encouraged, promoted, and protected. They will be empowered as drivers of prosperity, creating an environment conducive to comprehensive development. 

An integrated policy will be developed and implemented to foster entrepreneurship among youth, including necessary consultations, skill development, support for startups, and the marketing and protection of produced goods. A detailed study will be conducted to analyze sectors where modern technologies might displace jobs and the new opportunities these technologies may offer, leading to the development of new learning, skills, and workforce.

Legislation to promote innovation will be promptly drafted and implemented. Efforts will be made to connect Nepali youth with various technology companies both domestically and internationally to create employment opportunities in the country. 

A policy will be introduced to make the best use of the skills, knowledge, experience, and resources of returning youth who have worked abroad.

7. Transitional justice, sustainable peace, and social harmony

An impartial and competent commission will be immediately formed to complete the remaining tasks of the peace process within the prescribed time, based on the newly amended law concerning the Commission of Investigation on Enforced Disappearances and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

The pain caused by the conflict will be addressed through justice, compensation, reparations, and reconciliation, focusing on the concerns and interests of the victims and ensuring that the truth is established. Necessary measures will be taken to ensure that the recurrence of armed conflict is prevented.

Diversity, plurality, and the multi-ethnic, multi-linguistic, multi-cultural, and multi-religious characteristics of Nepal will be embraced as significant social capital, part of Nepal's identity, and a form of soft power, and efforts will be made to further strengthen them. All forms of narrow-mindedness, extremism, and activities that weaken national unity will be discouraged, while social harmony will be promoted. A sense of national pride will be fostered.

8. Miscellaneous

Policies will be adopted to mitigate the risks posed by climate change, protect the environment, and develop a green economy. Through national and international platforms such as the “Sagarmatha Dialogue,” Nepal will raise awareness globally about the crises caused by climate change and advocate for the concerns of mountain countries like Nepal. The policy will aim to establish Nepal's contribution to climate adaptation and lobby internationally for climate justice and Nepal's rightful share of benefits from climate funds.

Diplomatic and other efforts will be undertaken to secure Nepal's equitable share of benefits from climate justice and climate funds. The reconstruction work in Jajarkot and Rukum (West) will be expedited, with a timeline for its completion published and implemented. An automated system will be developed for the resettlement of those displaced by natural disasters such as floods, landslides, inundations, lightning strikes, and fires.

Regular consultations will be held with the parties participating in and supporting the government to make its work more effective. Regular dialogue will be maintained with parties represented in Parliament on critical national issues and public concerns, aiming to build consensus.

A policy will be adopted to counter the negative narratives, disinformation, and efforts to undermine national morale and the achievements of the nation. Constructive discussions based on facts, along with positive debates, will be promoted to raise the nation's confidence.