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IGFF conducts Anupam Abhiyan Rally

IGFF conducts Anupam Abhiyan Rally

The Inter-Generational Feminist Forum (IGFF) organized the Anupam Yatra on Saturday, with participants walking and cycling from Maitighar to Ratnapark. IGFF, a feminist NGO focused on women's empowerment, held the rally to unite leaders and raise awareness from diverse perspectives.

A key IGFF initiative, the Anupam Abhayyan (2023–2027), aims to promote women's equal participation to foster equitable and independent development in Nepal. Currently, the initiative has over 2,000 members across 76 regions.

Following the rally, women and representatives from various organizations gathered to amplify feminist voices in all sectors. The event included participants with disabilities and people of diverse genders.

“This is our 41st rally in Kathmandu, and I plan to complete at least 500 rallies by March 2025 across Nepal,” said IGFF Chairperson Rita Thapa. She added, “We must create more opportunities for women in politics. Although there's still much to be done, we are committed to supporting illiterate and impoverished women in rural areas.”

Executive Director of Mitini Nepal Sarita KC noted, “IGFF feels like home to us. With Mission 84 as the rally's motto, we aim to emphasize that LGBTQIA+ individuals deserve greater political, social, and economic rights.”

Stella Tamang, co-coordinator of IGFF’s Steering Committee, expressed gratitude to all participants, including the police, volunteers, and organizational representatives.
