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Healthy snack options

Healthy snack options

Oftentimes, it’s not the meals we eat that pose a challenge to our fitness journey. It’s usually the snacks we have in between these meals that wreak havoc to our diet plans. The cookies and cake, the pakoras and samosas, and the one too many slices of pizza, it’s the things we grab when we are out that make weight loss or a healthier gut a thing you can only dream about. So, to help you reach your fitness goals, choose snacks with protein, fiber, and healthy fats to keep you full throughout the day. Here are our top five recommendations.

Avocado salad

This is one the easiest things you can make in the morning to carry around with you. It’s filling and healthy. Avocados contain many vitamins, minerals, and are an excellent source of good fats. Simply chop whatever veggies you have—carrots, cucumbers, onions will do—and toss it all with salt, lemon, and pepper before adding in some avocado, sliced or mashed. You can put some on crackers or toasted brown bread too or have it as a salad.

Homemade granola bar

You can make this beforehand and store it to use whenever you need something to nibble on. In a large bowl, add whatever nuts and seeds you have on hand. You can chop or roughly grind them if you want a finer bar. Add jaggery or dates to sweeten up the mix and spread it out on a baking tray. You can also add muesli or rolled oats to it. Bake for 20 to 30 minutes on medium heat. Let it cool before cutting it into bite sized pieces or bars.

Sweet potato fries

This tastes like regular potato fries if you do it right. It’s yummy and healthy since sweet potatoes are rich in beta-carotene that the body can turn into Vitamin A. It’s also a good source of antioxidants and fiber. Thinly slice some sweet potatoes, sprinkle some paprika over them, coat them with olive oil, and drop them in the air fryer or oven for 20 to 30 minutes on medium heat. Don’t overcrowd them else they won’t get crispy because of the steam. Once done, store them in airtight containers or zip locks to preserve crispness.

Chia seed pudding

Chia seeds are tiny nutritional powerhouses loaded with fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and plant-based protein. By themselves, they don’t have much flavor, but these tiny seeds take on a jelly-like consistency when soaked in liquid, making them a great ingredient for puddings. Soak a tablespoon of chia seeds in Greek yogurt or plain yogurt, top with some fruits and seeds and you are good to go. You can also boil milk with rose petals and add chia seeds to it and then let it cool in the fridge.

Apple with peanut butter

Apples are a fiber-rich fruit. Peanuts provide healthy fats, plant-based protein, and fiber. It has pretty much all of the filling nutrients you should look for in a snack. The two together make for a crisp creamy snack, reminiscent of an apple pie. It’s a classic snack that is delicious and nutritious. The nutrients present in these promote heart health, reduce inflammation, and help control blood sugar levels. One thing you should stay away from is peanut butter containing added sugar.
