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Seven of a family taken ill after consuming toxic mushrooms in Gulmi

Seven of a family taken ill after consuming toxic mushrooms in Gulmi

Eight persons have taken ill after consuming wild mushrooms in Gulmi on Sunday.

Seven members of a family and a relative have fallen sick after consuming toxic mushrooms.

The District Police Office, Gulmi informed that a total of eight persons—seven members of a family of Top Bahadur Thapa of Khanigaun, Resunga Municipality-8, and his relative have taken ill.

Top Bahadur Thapa (65), his wife Dil Kumari (62), son Bikash Thapa (29), grand-daughters Dipadika Thapa (10), Binisha Thapa (12), daughter Srijana Kaucha (42) and Gita Thapa (39) have fallen sick, Inspector Ram Kumar KC of the District Police Office, Gulmi said.

Tom Bahadur Thapa's elder son-in-law, Osan Kaucha, had brought the mushroom from Resunga Community Forest on Sunday afternoon.

They fell sick soon after eating the mushroom, police informed.

They have been taken to the Lumbini Medical College for further treatment following primary treatment at the Gulmi Hospital.

Police said that their condition is normal.



