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An attitude of gratitude

An attitude of gratitude

You can manifest the life you want, say Instagram gurus and those who believe in numerology, astrology, and the like. And while it might all seem hogwash, having you roll your eyes, there is actually science behind the power of positive reinforcement and gratitude. When you choose to think positively and be grateful, your actions will be aligned with your goals. Some choose to call it the power of manifestation. But, in reality, it’s as simple as honing in on your goals and ambitions and doing what it takes to make them come true. Here are five ways to make gratitude a part of your daily life and harness the power of positivity.

Create a mood board

A mood board is a great visual organizing tool. While professionals, especially interior decorator, graphic designers, and project managers, frequently use this to develop ideas, you can also use a mood board to give your life a general sense of direction. Put up pictures and quotes that inspire you. Want to be fit? Put up a photo of your ideal fitness situation. Need a vacation? Photos of the place you want to go next should be up on the board. Seeing something can act as a constant reminder of what you need to do.

Get into journaling

Journaling is the practice of regularly writing down your thoughts, feelings, experiences, and reflections. It serves multiple purposes, including personal reflection, goal setting and planning, creative expression, and gratitude development. You don’t need to be a writer to journal. Anyone can do it. All you need is a notebook and pen. It’s a great way to track personal growth as well as remind yourself of all the things you are grateful for in life. If you are new to journaling, start by taking five minutes in the morning to write down three things you are grateful for, three things you want to change, and three things you want to do that day.

Mantra meditation

Mantra is a Sanskrit term, ‘man’ meaning mind and ‘tra’ meaning release. Think of a mantra which is basically a word or phrase you repeat during meditation as a tool to help release the stress in your mind. It can make a lot of difference, especially if you have trouble concentrating or getting in the right frame of mind. You will find that using a mantra can boost awareness and improve concentration. Play some mantras on Spotify or YouTube and meditate to it. It will make you calmer and more aware of your surroundings.

Follow a ritual

A morning and/or evening ritual is a great way to give structure to your day. It can set the tone of your day or help you unwind after a stressful one. Morning rituals are a simple way to start every single day full of energy and ready to take on the challenges thrown your way. Evening rituals, on the other hand, are a simple way to finish every single day peacefully, to fall asleep easily and to have a great night of sleep. It can make you more in tune with your inner self, instilling a sense of peace, harmony, and gratitude.

Break down your plans

Most of the times, we lose sight of what’s important and wallow in self-pity because we have big ambitions and goals and it overwhelms us. Breaking your goals into bite-sized tasks can help you feel more accomplished and positive about achieving them. A to-do list comes in handy for this. Get into the habit of writing down all the things you need to do to achieve what you have set out to and give yourself deadlines for each task. Finishing a task will leave you feeling upbeat and motivated while making even the wildest of dreams seem attainable.
