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Bangladesh protesters storm prime minister's palace

Bangladesh protesters storm prime minister's palace

Thousands of Bangladeshi protesters stormed the palace of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in Dhaka Monday, with a source telling AFP she had fled mass demonstrations demanding she quit.

Bangladesh's Channel 24 broadcast images of crowds running into the premier's official residence in the capital, waving to the camera as they celebrated.

Visuals broadcast on Bangladeshi TV channels showed protesters storming Hasina's palace, overturning furniture, smashing glass door panels, and carrying off books and other items including a live chicken.

"I am inside the Ganabhaban Palace," Bangladeshi journalist Yeasir Arafat told AFP. "There are more than 1,500 people inside the palace. They are breaking furniture and glasses".

A source close to Hasina told AFP that the 76-year-old had left Dhaka with her sister for "a safer place", adding that she had "wanted to record a speech but she could not get an opportunity to do that."

The Prothom Alo daily also reported Hasina had fled the capital. AFP 
