The media, as a powerful ally, plays a crucial role in disseminating information. It acts like a vigorous weapon, influential in highlighting various aspects of society. Through diverse perspectives, the media significantly impacts the concept of gender and the practices of gender equality. As a potent tool, the media needs to address concerns regarding gender equality. In Nepal, it is imperative that media organizations themselves adopt the core principles of gender equality.
Research done by Media Action Nepal titled “Investing in Women: An analysis of the state of women journalists in Nepal” shows that men highly dominate newsrooms in Nepal. In a 2021 study by Media Action Nepal urged female journalists to occupy the decision-making rules. The result was shocking as only 0.3 percent of news carried the bylines of female journalists out of a sample of 21,919 news items. This disparity clearly shows the perspective of gender issues where women's representation is low in media organizations. The contribution of the media is critical in determining how gender equality is highlighted and how the media raises awareness about challenging traditional gender norms. It is essential for the media to increase social awareness, encourage positive changes in people’s views and behaviors towards relevant issues, and to amplify voices that support the community’s welfare. The issues related to gender should be highlighted as it advocates for equality among both genders, which is crucial in policy-making and decision-making.
Also, the recent research by the Media Advocacy Group (MAC) reveals low media coverage on women politicians. Women represent 33 percent in Nepali politics, but despite their active engagement and contributions, they are ignored by the media. The coverage of women in politics should be highly prioritized, as it underscores their vital role in the political landscape.
Equal representation of women in the media is essential for media pluralism, leading to diversity, inclusivity, and a more equitable society. It helps challenge biases and stereotypes, balancing the underrepresentation perspective. Media pluralism refers to the diversity of ideas, perspectives, and content, ensuring women's voices are heard. This environment fosters diverse participation from different groups, including women, leading to meaningful representation in the media.
Women’s voices and representation should be heeded by the media, as it contributes to diverse opinions and changes in society. Through inclusive representation and portrayal of women in the media, their particular views can be addressed, which helps in building an inclusive society. Organizations like Sancharika Samuha Nepal (SASN), have been crucial in shaping the voices and ideas of both genders. It has been constantly working against women’s violence, highlighting the importance of women’s representation in the media. Additionally, UN Women Nepal mobilizes stakeholders within the UN system for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (GEWE) in Nepal, co-chairing the United Nations Country Team (UNCT) to ensure Gender Justice and Social Inclusion. There is a need for more such organizations in Nepal to ensure the role of women and the equality of both genders. The media’s role is impactful through these processes, significantly affecting the understanding of gender norms and values.
Prakriti Thapa
BA IInd year
Tribhuvan University