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Climate change and youth

Climate change and youth

Climate change is a global crisis wreaking havoc on our planet, from intensifying natural disasters to disrupting ecosystems and economies. As the world grapples with this urgent challenge, young people are emerging as powerful catalysts for change. Their passion, innovation, and unwavering determination are reshaping the climate movement and inspiring hope for a sustainable future.

Youths activists at forefront

Young people are at the forefront of the fight against climate change. They understand the immediacy of the climate change emergency more than ever. Consequently, they have organized major demonstrations on climate-related issues and are introducing environmentally friendly policies so that the way people relate to their environment will never be the same again. Their determination is driving us closer to a world with cleaner sources of power production, saving various plants and animal species from extinction as well as ensuring that neighborhoods are better connected.

In the last few years, the upsurge of the youth-driven climate movements has brought about real change. The global movement such as Fridays for Future, which stands out as the ones that are being led by youth like Greta Thunberg, brought together millions of people from all over the world demanding governments respond to climate change and invest now in prevention and recovery. The movement began as school strikes but turned into a global action where young people plan and participate in protests, calling for better climate policies. 

Aside from Thunberg, youth organizations co-founded by young activists such as Zero Hour, Sunrise Movement, and Youth Climate Strike have already mobilized young individuals from one corner of the globe to another to demand stronger climate policies. These movements focus on the ethical obligation of preventing the coming generations from destructive climate change and require countries and companies to eco-friendly behaviors.

Young people are not just talking about change; they are making it happen. They are creating new, green tech, like better solar power and ways to catch carbon, pushing us towards a cleaner world. They also choose to live in ways that don’t hurt the planet, preferring to buy things that are kind to Earth. This push from the youth is changing how we think about our daily choices and the things we buy. They are taking initiatives sustainably and are coming up with measures to deal with and adapt to the effects of climate change. The innovations, especially from solar energy technologies, are drastically changing the course of energy production and leading to a low-carbon economy. Young consumers who are more aware of the negative consequences of their consumption and are ready to sacrifice for the common good are the ones promoting sustainable consumption patterns and demanding eco-friendly products and services.

Challenges confronting the youth in climate activism

While youth are leading the charge on climate action, they are also the most affected. Illnesses occur more often among them due to excessive heat and poor air quality while their education and future job opportunities are disrupted by severe weather patterns. Young people living in low-income areas suffer most from economic challenges, particularly those who live on natural resources as their mainstay. 

What also affects these youth is the constant anxiety about climate change which leads to strain and depression. Noting these impacts, youth-led initiatives focus on climate justice calling for policies that are attentive to the needs of vulnerable communities and ensure adaptation measures are equitable. 

Furthermore, though youths make up a great population, whose efforts are impactful, many challenges exist along their journey of advocacy on matters of climate. Access to resources is limited, there are institutional barriers and skepticism from the older generation. Besides, activism on climate change may be emotionally draining due to the gigantic task ahead and the slow political process. However, these challenges also bring along great opportunities for teamwork and collaboration in action. 

As climate change is a global concern, different groups from governments to businesses, schools, and communities, can collaborate with young activists to develop new ideas and ensure that young voices are heard while coming up with fair rules that benefit the planet and everybody living on it. 

Supporting youth leadership for environmental policy

Empowering young people to become climate advocates does not just require encouragement but calls for proper support and education. This advanced knowledge, skill, and values in mitigating climate change can be imparted to these young minds by schools and colleges. Such school programs possess a critical opportunity to set a generation of informed citizens on the right path by introducing climate science at schools and promoting environmental literacy via enhancing critical thinking on matters of sustainability. 

It is also important to open up channels for youth participation at other levels of decision-making. Indeed, young people should be recognized by governments, the private sector, and civil society as major stakeholders in climate policy decisions. Active involvement of young people, and valuing their inputs, will enhance not only climate governance but also foster among the youth a sense of ownership and responsibility to take good care of our environment. Such efforts will help build a strong foundation for the growth of generations of young people who not only possess knowledge about many climate-related issues but are capable and empowered to make a difference at home and globally.

Lastly, youths from all around the world who are resolute, and leading the climate justice movement must take immediate action. Their resilience and strong ideas inspire hope for future generations to join them in the fight against climate change. Raising awareness, and collaborating may significantly impact the pursuit of a sustainable, equitable, and ecologically sound future for everyone. The engagement of youth in the battle against climate change presents a difficulty as well as a chance for change. For the sake of many future generations, we must band together in support of their activism and innovative pace.

Kenisha Adhikari

St Xavier’s Jawalakhel

SEE Batch 2023/24
