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How to eat healthy without going on a diet

How to eat healthy without going on a diet

Eating healthy reduces your risk of heart disease, stroke, and many other diseases. But it’s not something most of us are able to do, given our busy schedules and the one too many cravings that seem to hit us when we are bored and uninspired. But it’s not impossible or even that difficult to make the right kind of food choices. This week, we bring you five basic ideas that you can incorporate in your lifestyle with minimal effort. Before you know it, you will be making healthy choices and enjoying its many rewards.

 Eat home-cooked meals

We all know this but we push the thought to the corner of our minds as we go about our days. Who has the time to pack lunch or snacks every single day? It’s much easier to step into the local sandwich shop and grab a bite to eat. But if you are serious about eating healthy and staying fit, make it a priority to eat at home or home-cooked food as much as possible. You have control over the ingredients, can ensure the food is fresh, and prepared the way you like it. A bonus is that you will save quite a bit of money. Learn to make simple meals from some basic ingredients that you always have in your pantry and you will be sorted. Celebrity chef Ranveer Brar recommends always having boiled potatoes in your fridge. You can whip up a delicious meal in minutes with this one ingredient. Brar has plenty of recipes on his YouTube channel.

 Check your portions

Most of the time what leads to weight gain is not what you eat but how much you eat. We don’t mean you can eat anything but even healthy foods can lead to weight gain if you have too much of it. So, portion control is important. Get a smaller plate so that you don’t heap food when you serve yourself. Learn about portion sizes so that you can measure and thus control how much you eat. Also, if you are craving something, have it. But have a small piece. You don’t have to eat an entire bar of chocolate to satiate your craving for something sweet. Have a small piece and take time to savor it.

Have fruits, seeds, and nuts daily

Nuts and seeds are a powerhouse of vitamins and antioxidants. The fiber in them will also keep you feeling full for longer. Have a handful of nuts and seeds every day. Carry a small ziplock bag with some raisins, dates, cashews, almonds etc. and snack on them when you aren’t really hungry but want to munch on something. Let’s be honest, we all have those moments. Have soaked nuts first thing in the morning. It’s the healthiest habit you can adopt. Most dieticians advise eating a fruit every day and trying to eat it in the afternoons, as a snack, if possible. Have the whole fruit instead of juices so that the fiber can keep you full and help regulate your bowels as well.

Check the package label

As far as possible, refrain from buying anything that comes in plastic or cardboard packages. But if you must, compare nutrition facts labels on food products and select products with the lowest amounts of sodium, added sugars, saturated fat and trans-fat, and no partially hydrogenated oils. The food label will provide information on what you are putting into your body. You must also learn to read the labels and educate yourself. For example, there are many sources of sodium. Ingredients can contain ‘hidden’ sources of sodium such as monosodium glutamate (MSG) or trisodium phosphate. You will only be able to make good choices if you know what you are looking for and what to avoid.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

Many a times we tend to mistake thirst for hunger so make sure you are drinking enough water. If you suddenly have a craving, try drinking a glass of water. Chances are the craving will go away. It’s also important to replenish your body from time to time so add some lemon and salt or some electrolytes in your regular water. Carry a water bottle with you so that you always have water on hand and don’t find yourself reaching for a can of soda or ordering some other sugary drink like lattes and iced teas when you feel hot and want something to drink.
