A dirty kitchen can make your home look and smell bad. You could have spent a fortune on interior décor but if your kitchen isn’t clean, it will take away the whole wow effect of the entire space, especially since most homes these days have open kitchens that merge into the dining and living space. But cleaning your kitchen can be the stuff of nightmares. Also, you have to do it every single day. There’s just no getting away from it. But a few simple things can help ease the process. Here we tell you how.
Keep the countertops and sink empty
Countertops and the sink are places where things tend to gather in the kitchen. From used coffee cups and empty dishes to vegetable scraps and dishcloths, a lot of things are just there. You put dishes on the sink telling yourself you’ll get to them later but they inevitably pile up and create a mess. Get into the habit of cleaning your countertops and sink as you cook. Put away items you don’t need. Do dishes when you are finished using them and clean the sink with hot water and soap and wipe it down. The easiest way to keep your kitchen clean is to ensure your countertops and sink are devoid of clutter.
Learn waste management
Separate your dry and wet waste to reduce the bulk of trash as well as to ensure your bins don’t give out a foul smell. The garbage can harbor a lot of bacteria and lead to various communicable diseases. Invest in trash cans with proper lids. Ones that have rubber seals around the edges are perfect for disposing of wet waste like egg shells, banana peels, and other scraps. Even better, learn to compost or reuse scraps to make easy fertilizers. Learning how to manage your waste (and generate less of it if possible) can go a long way in maintaining the hygiene quotient of your kitchen and home.
Designate separate spaces for different things
Try to assign specific spaces for all your appliances and produce. This not only helps you store items effortlessly and also find them easily but you will be able to keep the space a lot cleaner this way. Try to keep kitchen equipment away from the cooking range so that oil splatters don’t get on them. Create separate zones for food containers, pots and pans, and cleaning supplies. You will be able to cook and clean much more efficiently this way. A neatly organized kitchen where there’s a place for everything and everything is in its place makes the space look aesthetic as well.
Invest in the right cleaning supplies
There’s nothing more nerve-wracking than trying to clean without the right cleaning tools. So have a bucket, mop, and rags handy under the sink. A spray bottle is a must in the kitchen. You can use this for almost any liquid product. Make sure you have vinegar and baking soda as you can clean the harshest of stains and splatters with just these two basic ingredients. Use kitchen napkins or rags so that you aren’t tearing off paper towels and throwing them away after one wipe. This helps you cut down on trash and make your cleaning routine sustainable. A really easy hack is to keep a basket of cloth pieces under your sink. These can be old handkerchiefs, bits of cloth torn from old t-shirts, and just about any other rag you have in the house.
Deep clean once a month
The kitchen must be cleaned every single day. You must wipe the counters and do the dishes on a daily basis. There are no two ways about that. But in addition to that, the kitchen is a space that needs some extra cleaning every once in a while. The fridge, oven, microwave, kettle etc. must be shown some care at least once a month. This gets rid of pesky odor and grime and also prolongs the life of your appliances. Mix some lemon oil with vinegar and water and heat it up in the microwave. The steam will make the grime slide right off. Then, take your sponge or rag and start to remove some of the leftover food, grease, or dirt to have your sparkling microwave back. Likewise, clean the oven and fridge with baking soda which is a great stain and odor remover.