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CPN (US) gaining public trust: Chair Nepal

CPN (US) gaining public trust: Chair Nepal

CPN (Unified Socialist) Chairman Madhav Kumar Nepal has said his party was gaining public trust because it was established for the protection of the Constitution and republic.

Addressing the 10th national general convention of the party on Sunday, Chairman Nepal viewed democracy is still at risk in Nepal. "Party needs to be mobilized for people's sake," he stressed.

On the occasion, Nepali Congress President Sher Bahadur Deuba said CPN (US) had played a significant role for the protection of democracy. It has importance in national politics, he said, expressing belief that the veteran leaders in CPN (US) would give a proper direction to national politics.

CPN (US) senior leader Jhalanath Khanal said all political parties need competition among each other for the country's development and good governance. He also highlighted people's democracy and socialist.

Rastriya Swatantra Party President Rabi Lamichhane stressed political unity for employment, quality education and addressing the cooperative’s problems.

Janamat Party's Chairman CK Raut viewed that if any political leader talks about ideal things, he/she should reflect on behavior.

Present system must not be weakened, according to Janata Samajbadi Party's Chairman Ashok Rai.

JSP Nepal's Chairman Upendra Yadav emphasized on amending the Constitution to end corruption.

Chairman of Rastriya Jana Morcha, Chitra Bahadur KC, suggested the party to devote itself to people and country.

Nagarik Unmukti Party's Chair Ranjita Shrestha believed the convention of the CPN (US) would come up with a new ideology.

