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Maximalist décor ideas for a grand statement

Maximalist décor ideas for a grand statement

Not everyone can live the way a minimalist does—with essentials that are sleek and uncluttered. In contrast to minimalists, some people like their décor to be layered with colors and patterns, and filled with things they love and have collected over the years. If you’re a fan of maximalism, you’re in luck as the style has become trendy once again in recent times.

However, though it has its perks such as lending vibrancy and warmth to a space, over-the-top décor could end up looking unmanaged and thus chaotic. But it can be curated chaos if you display your favorite art, furniture, and treasures in a coordinated fashion rather than just having it all out there. Here are some expert-backed solutions for maximalist décor.

Showcase your passion

The first and foremost rule of designing a maximalist space is to have it showcase your personality. Don’t fill it with meaningless things. Have heirlooms, your favorite pieces, and things that make you happy on display. Nothing could be more boring and sterile than having store-bought items that have no stories to them around the house. Choose and collect pieces with care. Going through your grandparent’s storage space can arm you with some invaluable items.  

Keep comfort in mind  

Your furniture should be comfortable and inviting. Don’t opt for heavy pieces that take up space and look bulky. Choose sleeker designs with soft, smooth fabrics that feel good. You shouldn’t be bumping into ottomans and side tables while moving around the house so make sure you leave enough room to move about and don’t cram it too much. Comfort should be the key while designing your space.

 Layer colors and patterns

Choose colors and patterns you like and go crazy with them. This is one of the easiest ways to achieve the maximalist look without putting in too much effort. There is no rule here. Whatever you love and want to look at is what you should go for. This can and will clash but that’s where the beauty lies. Pair florals with polka dot prints or stripes for an eye-catching effect.

Give love to the small corners

Oftentimes we forget nooks and crannies while decorating. This is okay for minimalist décor. It opens up the space and gives it an airy look. But for over-the-top décor it’s a strict no. Pay attention to the little spaces and think of how you can use them fully. An alcove near the stairs could be turned into a bar area or you can hang open bookshelves in corners to display photos and other knick-knacks.

Fill up the tabletops

Don’t keep surfaces bare. Your coffee table or the dining table are great places to display your favorite books and curios. Arrange them in trays, in groups of threes, if possible, to give it a cohesive look and then go crazy with it. From flower vases and coasters to books and mementos, everything can and should be on display.

Don’t forget the ceiling

Don’t forget to look to the ceiling or what is commonly known as the ‘fifth wall’ when it comes to adding some oomph to a space if you are going the maximalist way. Paper it to coordinate with the other four walls in a room if you wish. Or paint it a bold color like red or neon pink. You can also wallpaper it in a nice pattern if your walls are painted. While you are at it, add a chandelier too, the fancier the better. 

