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Why only men?

Why only men?

As saying in mythology, why only men  

Saying as a physiologies, why only men  

As feminine argues, why only men 

Every individual perception, why only men  


Why only men, the world might say,  

In fields where strength and honor lay? 

With hearts of fire and spirits high,  

They’ve paved the paths where heroes fly. 


Where there are men, there is a home,  

A place of comfort where hearts can roam  

With hands that build and eyes that see,  

A world of warmth and unity. 


Yet gentle souls in frames so vast,  

Their hearts are seas where kindness lasts,  

Protectors, builders, fathers dear,  

Their strength is love, their gift is cheer. 


Where there is men, foundations lie, 

Strong and sturdy, reaching high 

With every brick, with every beam, 

They build a house, they build a dream.   


In the quiet shadows, away from the throng,  

Where the world assumes men must be strong,  

There lies a place where tears can fall,  

A sacred space, a tender call. 


Beneath the armor, tough and bold,  

Lives a soul with tales untold.  

And in the stillness, when nights are long,

Men also cry, for they’ve been strong. 


Yet let us not forget, in praise,  

Those men, too, seek the sun’s warm rays.  

They dream, they love, they hope and care,  

In every action, they’re laid bare. 


Supriya Paudel  

BBM IIIrd Semester  

United College


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