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Yoga today is embraced by all cultures and all continents of the world: Indian PM Modi

Yoga today is embraced by all cultures and all continents of the world: Indian PM Modi

The 10th International Yoga Day is being observed in Nepal by organizing various programs on Friday.

In 2014, the United Nations designated June 21 as the International Day of Yoga on the basis of a draft resolution moved by the Government of India and endorsed by a record 175 member states.

In his message addressed to world leaders including Prime Minister of Nepal Pushpa Kamal Dahal, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has underlined that “In the decade gone by, what began as a Resolution by the UN General Assembly, has grown into a global movement promoting health and well-being. Yoga is today embraced by all cultures and all continents of the world,” reads a statement issued by the Indian Embassy in Kathmandu.

To celebrate the 10th edition of the International Day of Yoga, the Embassy of India in Kathmandu and the Consulate General of India in Birgunj organized a series of engaging events across 10 cities and municipalities in Nepal including Kathmandu, Pokhara, Lamjung, Lumbini, Janakpur, Chitwan, Birgunj, Hetauda, Gaur and Pokhariya.

In keeping with this year’s theme of “Yoga for Self and Society”, the Indian Embassy organized two curtain raiser events including a yoga demonstration at the revered Pashupatinath temple and a lecture-cum-demonstration for the girls of Maiti Nepal in Kathmandu on June 7, 2024.

On 19 June 2024, the Embassy of India in Kathmandu organized a yoga and meditation practice for more than 450 participants on the banks of Lake Phewa in Pokhara, underscoring Yoga’s role as a bridge between human consciousness and nature. On the same day, the Embassy also organized a yoga demonstration and free health consultation with Ayurvedic practitioners, focusing on the health benefits of yoga and ayurveda, for the students of Pokhara University. The Vice Chancellor of Pokhara University and several senior professors also participated, according to the statement.

On 20 June 2024, the Embassy of India in Nepal organized yoga demonstrations at three iconic landmarks of Pokhara – the Sarangkot view point that offers panoramic views of the Annapurna mountain range; the Shiva Temple at Pumdikot which brings together a spiritual ambience with majestic views; and the Shanti Stupa situated on the picturesque Anadu Hill. Experienced Yoga instructors led the participants through a series of asanas, pranayama and meditation techniques, highlighting the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of Yoga.

The Embassy of India also organized a large-scale yoga demonstration for more than 900 participants at the Lumbini Development Trust, Lumbini on 20 June 2024. The event was attended by Chief Minister of Lumbini Jokh Bahadur Mahara and other provincial leaders.

Chief Minister Mahara thanked the Embassy of India for organizing the significant Yoga event at the birthplace of Lord Buddha and for strengthening India- Nepal cultural ties. Ambassador Naveen Srivastava emphasized on the universal appeal of Yoga and its importance in fostering a healthy, mindful and sustainable lifestyle.

The center-piece of the Embassy of India’s celebration of the International Day of Yoga in Nepal in 2024 was the mega yoga demonstration event organized at Pokhara’s Rangshala Stadium in association with the Pokhara Metropolitan City on June 21, 2024.

Gandaki Province Chief Minister Surindra Raj Pandey, Mayor of Pokhara Metropolitan City Dhana Raj Acharya and over 5000 yoga enthusiasts from the region participated in this event.

The Gandaki Province Chief Minister thanked the Embassy of India for organizing the largest International Yoga Day event in Pokhara this year, the statement further reads.

He underlined that the Government of Nepal had supported Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s proposal for designating 21 June as the International Day of Yoga in 2014. He also emphasized that Yoga is an important component of the profound and enduring cultural ties between India and Nepal.

Ambassador Naveen Srivastava highlighted that Yoga serves as a powerful cultural bridge between India and Nepal and that the organization of Yoga events in important tourist locations in Nepal can also serve to boost Yoga tourism in these places.

The Mayor of Pokhara Metropolitan City thanked the Embassy for supporting the initiative to establish Pokhara as the tourism capital of Nepal by organizing such large-scale events in the city. He reaffirmed that the city of Pokhara looks forward to collaborating with the Embassy every year for the celebration of the International Day of Yoga.

The Consulate General of India also organized International Day of Yoga events in Janakpur, Chitwan, Birgunj, Hetauda, Gaur and Pokhariya.

To wrap up the celebration of the 10th edition of the International Day of Yoga, the Embassy of India will be organizing a yoga demonstration event at the scenic Lamjung district in association with the Madhya Nepal Municipality on June 22, 2024.

The Embassy of India is committed to encouraging people-to-people and cultural exchanges with Nepal based on the shared interest in yoga and holistic health practices.
