Global economies are slowing down due to energy prices, supply chain disturbances, high inflation, and tightening monetary policy in major advanced and developing economies. As per the International Monetary Fund’s projection, global economic growth will be limited to 3.2 percent in the current fiscal year 2024 and next fiscal year 2025. Here, global economic growth is stuck at 3.2 percent, but on the other side, 5.9 percent of inflation is chasing economic activity. Amid such stagnant economic growth, the movement of people is one of the most challenging issues for the underdeveloped and developing economies. The migration of young people is a very serious issue for underdeveloped and developing countries to manage and motivate youth productivity and discourage migration.
The current state of young people’s minds is more focused on future security. Future security in terms of social security, which covers employment, living standards, education, health, entertainment, and social recognition through a decent life and social status. Why is social security so important? A simple answer to this question is that one just wants to be free from fear of losing their current living standard and grow into a better position than a similar group of people. This tendency has been seen across the world. Better social security provision and migration have a direct correlation, which shows that the better the social security system, the higher the inflows of migrated people. Therefore, a very simple conclusion about the significance of social security is that young people are always in search of a better social security system, and they are attracted toward those countries that have a better and more accessible social security system.
It indicates better and more accessible social security because even if the government claims they have better social security in terms of social protection and access to all, people won’t be motivated toward it until and unless they have better access and a favorable living environment. If you look at the current social security package in Nepal, we have about 86 social security packages operating by different entities. But we don’t feel this social protection package is accessible to all. These packages are not designed on the basis of people's needs and are also not connected to productivity from an economic point of view. If you take the example of Chinese social security, it is arguably the greatest social security system in the world with 1.3bn people covered. This is a miracle of a social security system that covers the largest population in the world. The per capita income of China reached $12,720, which was just around $4,500 before Xi Jumping became president. The Chinese strategy of poverty alleviation is now a role model for us to fight poverty. But it is important to note: their governing system and ours are very different in terms of politics as well as bureaucracy.
The cause of young people's migration is not limited to the availability of social security but also the economic environment. If the economic condition of the country is good, which means there are employment opportunities, an easy-to-do business environment, financial access, priority for entrepreneurship, and a good business and social insurance package, ideally migration trends should decline. But in reality, migration cannot be controlled by improved economic conditions, social security, or political stability. It can, however, balance migration through inflows and outflows of people to the country.
This is the globalization era; we are global citizens and global markets human resources. You can work anywhere in the world if you have the competitive quality of a good human resource. You should not be limited to your motherland, and it is not necessary to be within a country. But the question is, are we giving such an environment to our young people to grow and chase the global market to show that the best talent is born in Nepal? Are we providing an opportunity for the world's best talent to migrate to Nepal and work here for the betterment of his or her life and our national economy?
It is said that Nepal is a virgin land for all. But we did not say which sector is virgin, and the virgin land is for what? This is the most fundamental thing that we need to figure out, and this is really the message to the young people: change the mindset of migrating just for the sake of social security and a better living standard. Our psychological state is very vulnerable and dynamic as well. If we want to motivate our youth inside the country, we must show them the positive hope of a better life and better opportunities in a practical way. Just saying that Nepal is a virgin land for all is not enough to inspire hope. Indeed, we need to show the best possible practical approach and directly touch them.
Government policies and programs should be prioritized toward young people; leaders should not talk negatively in a public forum; and the bureaucratic system should support the local economy and entrepreneurship through better financial access and an easy legal framework. Therefore, we should work collectively for the positive and hopeful mindset of youths to work and stay in Nepal instead of going abroad. At least we should provide an environment that forces them to think twice before flying abroad.