Learn, live, and let go

Each person’s journey through the year is unique, shaped by individual experiences, challenges, triumphs, and personal growth. If we carry the lessons close to our hearts, we can embrace challenges with courage, foster connections with compassion, and sow seeds of hope for a brighter and more resilient future. Rastrika Shakya from ApEx spoke to three people to find out what was the most important lesson they learned in the past year.

Merry Jones Chaudhary

There is a saying that it doesn’t matter how slowly you go as long as you don’t stop but the Nepali year 2080 was a year of ups and downs, hindering my path and progress. It made me realize that much like our city roads our lives too can’t be smooth and hassle-free. I learned that you need to handle situations with grace and find joy in the little things. I learned never to give up, go along with the flow, and try to make the best of every situation. In a way, it made me more confident to take on the challenges that come my way.

Biren Shrestha

I discovered that there is a lot of joy in learning and that it’s the path to proficiency. Being involved in multiple dramas, poetry, and journalism projects has been a progressive and productive journey. Next, I learned camaraderie, and how to be associated with people I hold dear. Surprisingly, even studying was a breeze, providing a refreshing level of satisfaction. Towards the tail-end of the Nepali year, several deep conversations and poetry sessions later, I learned to recognize my needs and the things that shape me. But mainly, I understood pain and how to wield and learn from it to become a better person.

Aadarsha Bhandari

My interactions, studies, and exposure to professionals in the field I belong to have helped me learn different things throughout the years. I can say that I’m better able to deal with different kinds of individuals today than I was a couple of years ago. I’m not scared of coming out of my comfort zone because I’ve realized that’s the only way to grow. The year 2080 has helped to polish my communications and interpersonal skills. One of the major lessons I learnt was to let things go and to not let the past affect your present or just get stuck in it.