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Misconceptions about mental health

Misconceptions about mental health

Mental health issues are more common than people think. According to the World Health Organization, nearly one in four people will experience a mental health issue at some point in their lives. However, mental health is shrouded in misconceptions that lead to stigmatization and stop people from seeking help. Rastrika Shakya from ApEx talked to three people to find out what they think about the status of mental health in Nepal.

Mohita Upreti, 22

Even in today’s society, mental health is still considered a huge taboo. This generation is competitive, and people struggle to establish their careers. There’s a misconception that this generation is lucky and has everything due to technology and other advancements but the reality couldn’t be more different. Many people are masking their true selves, hiding their struggles to avoid being perceived as weak. In my opinion, it’s okay to be yourself. You’re valuable. While the generation is competitive, success will come when the time is right. Engage in self-care and let’s try to understand ourselves better.

Chunu Shrestha, 39

A huge misconception about mental health in our society today is the idea that experiencing mental health issues equates to personal failure or weakness. This misconception can lead to individuals feeling ashamed or reluctant to seek help, fearing judgment or stigma from others. It’s crucial to understand that mental health challenges are common and can affect anyone, regardless of their strength or character. Seeking support for mental health concerns is a courageous step towards healing and should be encouraged without judgment or stigma.

Manila Manandhar, 48

A common misconception about mental health is the belief that it’s solely about ‘mind over matter’ or that individuals can simply ‘snap out of it’ if they try hard enough. This misconception ignores the complex biological and environmental factors that contribute to mental health conditions. It also minimizes the significant impact that mental health challenges can have on a person’s daily life and functioning. Understanding that mental health issues are legitimate medical conditions, often requiring professional intervention and support, is essential in combating stigma and promoting understanding and empathy in society.
