Every woman is beautiful. She is woven of a thousand stories. She creates her world—the one we know of as home. She can provide comfort. She can envelop you in kindness. As a daughter, sister, wife, and mother, she is formless, adapting to the changing needs of times. Our existence is entwined with hers. But being a woman might mean different things to different women. Rastrika Shakya from ApEx talked to three women to find out how they see themselves.
Ashmita Bajracharya, 25
I believe it’s important to celebrate all the wonderful qualities that make us who we are. I feel grateful to be a woman. I’m a responsible daughter and a loving sister. I’m well suited for these caring and nurturing roles. I love how women seem to have an innate ability to face any obstacles and challenges and do so with grace. Women are capable of inspiring and uplifting others like no one else. I believe if each woman strives to be the best version of herself, she is capable of amazing and impossible things.
Sachita Shakya, 44
Being a woman is a thing of joy. A woman is the most beautiful creation of nature. We can’t imagine life without women. For me, a woman is like a strong tree, standing firm in any disaster and sheltering those around it. Just like the tree, a woman stands still to protect the family from all kinds of difficulties. I thank nature for gifting us with the ability to be mothers. It’s just beautiful to be part of the creation process of human existence. Giving birth to a baby, and the satisfaction we receive is everything for a mother. And that’s something only a woman can experience.
Mina Shrestha, 65
Napoleon once said, ‘Give me a good mother, and I will give you a good nation.’ Women are known as symbols of spirituality, strength, love, sacrifice, and courage. The role of women in today’s world is gradually changing. Women are capable of anything. I feel proud to be a woman. Seeing women in different fields like politics, sports, education, technology, etc., makes me happy to be who I am today. From housewives to CEOs, every woman deserves respect and admiration.