Self discovery

When you were teenager,

You felt like the world,

Revolves around you,

Love, ideas, moments,

Everything made sense,

You were so lost into the,

Moments, you rarely witnessed,

The realities of your life.


And the time passes and you,

Feel like you don’t belong anywhere,

Everything you do is just for survival,

You realize everyone has same ideas,

Perspectives, dreams and sorrows,

So somewhere between the journey,

You lost your own world which you,

Used to romanticize so much.


You feel like nobody gives efforts,

Even to the people they love because,

Somewhere they know everything is,

Temporary and it will pass or they,

Get so caught up in their own life,

They rarely have energy for other things.


Those story, books, conversation, hobbies,

Which used to drive you crazy, now don’t even,

Matter to you and everything feels shallow,

There is a constant voice within you,

Nothing and no one will help you except you.


Indira Basyal

BA 3rd Year

Madan Bhandari Memorial College