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Mind Matters | Emotionally fragile

Mind Matters | Emotionally fragile

I cry over the littlest of things especially when I’m criticized by my family. I don’t mean to but I get hurt easily. I know this isn’t the right response and I want to work on it. I know this will also affect my relationship with my family members and I don’t want that. What can I do?

Answered by Rishav Koirala, researcher and physiatrist

It’s not uncommon for individuals to experience strong emotional reactions, such as crying, when faced with criticism, particularly from family members. These emotional responses can be influenced by a combination of personal sensitivities and the deep emotional connections inherent in familial relationships. The impact of persistent emotional distress, especially when rooted in familial criticism, can extend beyond the immediate moment, potentially contributing to the development or exacerbation of mental health issues like anxiety or depression.

To effectively address these emotional challenges, it’s crucial to engage in a multifaceted approach. Firstly, acknowledging and accepting these emotions without self-blame is essential. Emotions are complex, and allowing oneself to feel without judgment is the starting point for understanding and managing them.

Taking time to reflect on the specific triggers within the criticism can provide valuable insights. Understanding what aspects of the criticism evoke such strong emotional responses can help uncover underlying concerns or insecurities. This self-awareness can then serve as a foundation for developing strategies to cope with and navigate these triggers.

Building effective communication skills is another key aspect of managing emotional responses within the family dynamic. Expressing one’s feelings and needs openly and honestly can foster a deeper understanding among family members, potentially reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings and conflicts.

Exploring and adopting coping strategies tailored to individual preferences is crucial. This might involve activities such as mindfulness, journaling, or engaging in hobbies that provide a sense of joy and relaxation. Building a personalized toolbox of coping mechanisms enhances one’s ability to manage emotions effectively.

In cases where emotional responses persist and significantly impact well-being, seeking professional support is highly advisable. Therapy or counseling provides a safe and supportive environment for individuals to delve deeper into their emotions, understand underlying issues, and develop practical strategies for improved mental health. Prioritizing emotional well-being is a fundamental aspect of self-care, and with the right support, individuals can work towards building resilience and navigating family dynamics more effectively.
