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Elderly man killed in Jhapa tusker attack

Elderly man killed in Jhapa tusker attack

A wild tusker killed an elderly man in Jhapa.

The deceased has been identified as Padmalal Tamang (72). He has been residing in Bhutanese refugee camp at Beldangi, Damak.

Chief of Division Forest Office, Jhapa, Meghraj Rai said that the wild elephant had attacked Tamang in Humsedumse Community Forest nearby the camp on Tuesday evening.

Tamang has been residing in hut number 252 of sector two in the camp. He had entered the forest area for firewood.

Chief Rai informed that Tamang was found dead in the forest.

The search was intensified when he did not return home till the evening.

Likewise, a wild tusker has demolished a cemented wall of the house of Bishal Dahal in Mechinagar municipality-11.

Dahal reported that the elephant from the Bansbari Community Forest broke the wall, entered the house and ate up 400-kg paddy and 200-kg rice.
