Democracy: A multifaceted reality in Nepal

Nepal has a short history of democratic practice that started about seven decades ago, only to be punctuated by authoritarianism. What’s more, a report from the Economic Intelligence Unit (EIU) points at the existence of a “hybrid form of democracy” in Nepal. This hybrid strain, which foreign agencies have made mention of, is perhaps a pointer toward coups that have taken place and the absence of ‘genuine’ democracy even during what can largely be described as the ‘democratic era’. 

A rational democracy contains multiple features, which are lacking in our democracy. 

For example, democracy in a developed country is not bound by the clan and cluster of the citizen. In such a polity, the citizens have a full-fledged authority over the resources with government agencies acting as accelerating forces that keep a close watch on democratic forces and practices. Every eager citizen assumes that democratic practice carries a long-term value. Economic powerhouses are also an independent parallel influence to institutionalize democracy. Demography, democracy and demonstration are also crucial for a proper democratic practice.

Democratic pathways

Multi-polar practice of development entails a tranquil mechanism as it presumes the system as a long-run phenomenon that sprints systematic carryover of the entire nation. Rational development in a real democracy carries the lingered value that leads to overall systematic reformation, which is lacking in least developed countries. Systematic uplifting of democratic practice leads the nation ultimately to smooth pathways for formal and accurate systematic changes that we are likely to ask for.

Continuous political volatility, impunity, messy policies, unregulated economic activities, intra-party polarization and regional strain are the key factors that are likely to have an inverse impact on the sound development of democracy. Sound democracy needs a playful practice of social justice and social equity. Parallel practice of adjustment over the government and development of morality among the general civilians seems to be a petty smart notion for democratic reformation.

Ready for a shift?

In this era of rampant social modification and development, everyone may not have equally profound faith in terms of democratic institutionalization. On the contrary, he/she tries to clutch the aspirations of the masses for overall social progress. But they go pear-shaped to remember their backgrounds and the system under which they are performing. This is a general trauma. So, gradual eradication of illiteracy among the citizenry is also a goal that we are trying to achieve.

By 2026, Nepal is likely to ‘graduate’ to a developing nation from a ‘poor nation’ and the government is making preparations for this progressive shift. Many of the socio-cultural aspects, literal aspects, economic indicators and other normative values are still in rapid progress to achieve this. But the core living standards, health access of distant populace and political transition have not made much headway. Amid this scenario, a question arises: Are we really ready for this shift?

Liberating space

Institutionalization of a democratic system that delivers is the minimum requirement of the Nepali people. This way, we can enhance the general economic system and democratic perspective dynamically. 

Disordered democratic systems lacking crystal-clear roadmaps can invite a high-degreed curse rather than boon for the state. In least developed countries (LDCs) like Nepal, where democracy is not yet institutionalized, a culture of impunity is likely to take root. Switching up for the sound, adamant and progressive democracy is a vital prerequisite for us. The holistic theme of democracy is crucial not only to accelerate societal progress but also to boost up economic reformation, which is a prior need and demand of every state.

Digital democracy

Now-a-days, we are positioning our nose for classical adherence to liberalization, but can't keep our fingers ahead for the digital taxonomy of democracy moving and seeking a rampant platform for further limelight. It quests ahead for digital technology, maximization of digital tools, social media platform, online advocacy forums and more. In this digital era, many individuals can develop advocacy forums and can mushroom in no time. This is also a prerequisite for developing a digital democracy, which may later take the form of e-democracy where anyone can poll and manifest their opinion via individual democratic platforms.

Concurrently, new arrivals in the political system of Nepal are in the line to develop a quiet, liberal and democratic play station to ponder into the system of the country, and are also successful catching the aspiration of civilians.