Nepali population in US

The Nepali population was the fastest growing Asian group, growing from almost 52,000 people in 2010 to almost 206,000 people in 2020, according to the US Census Bureau. 

More than 5.2m people identified as Chinese, the largest group among respondents who were Asian alone or in combination with another group, according to Census. They were followed by Asian Indians with 4.7m people, Filipinos with 4.4m people and the Vietnamese population at 2.2m people. California was home to the largest share of the six most common Asian groups in the US New York had the second-largest share of Chinese residents, while Texas had the second-largest share of Asian Indian residents.

The United States had 3.5m residents who identify as Middle Eastern or North African, Venezuelans were the fastest-growing Hispanic group last decade and Chinese and Asian Indians were the two largest Asian groups, according to the US Census Bureau.

The most detailed race and ethnicity data to date from the 2020 census was released Thursday more than three years after the once-a-decade head count, which determines political power, the distribution of $2.8trn in annual federal funding and holds up a mirror to how the US has changed in a decade. The delay was caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and the implementation of a new method to protect the confidentiality of participants.

Among the census respondents who identified as white, English was the most common detailed group written down on the form where people were asked to elaborate on their backgrounds, with 46.6m people saying they were English alone or in any combination. They were followed by those identifying as German, with 45m people, and Irish, with 38.6m people. 

With inputs from agencies